Page 63 of Courageous Touches

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“You aren’t supposed to be in here,” she squeaked out in a hiss.

“The lock’s been broken since Chase started here. No one knows to this day what he shoved in there, but it’s busted pretty badly. It turns but won’t engage the tumblers inside…”

“You mean anyone could have walked in?”

“If you aren’t ready to marry me – then I would rather we talk in here than out there, where everyone starts eavesdropping to find out what happened and what went wrong.”

“Nothing wrong except that I’m an impulsive idiot.”

“Because you are marrying me?”

“Nooo!” she exclaimed in disbelief. “It’s because of my dress… DON’T LOOK!”

Kyle sighed heavily, before chuckling.

“Honey, how am I supposed to tell you to relax if I can’t see you? I’m sure your dress is fine… unless it’s black. Black on a wedding day is supposed to be bad luck or I read that somewhere, I think. Maybe Austin said it? I don’t know. It could have been Chase?”

“It’s not black… thank goodness,” she muttered nervously.

“Can I look?”


“Do you still want to marry me?”

“More than anything, Kyle,” she replied honestly. “I just don’t want to embarrass you before your team.”

“You could never do that,” he promised and immediately stuck out his hands, moving blindly towards the door, before exiting without looking at her, his eyes pinched shut. “I’ll be waiting for my wife at the altar… when you are ready.”


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Would it be weird if we walked together? I mean, I know I’m supposed to walk up the aisle to the altar to say our vows… but could we just do this together instead?”

“I would be honored to walk beside you now – and for the rest of our lives,” he said tenderly, holding out his right arm. “My eyes are closed so you can come out.”

Reyna slowly opened the door a little further and slipped out into the hallway, taking his arm.

“How are you going to see if your eyes are pinched shut?”

“You’ll have to lead me – or you can let me look at you now,” he replied easily. “It’s your choice, and I will be happy with anything you choose, so long as I am yours and you are mine within the next hour.”

She hesitated and touched his face, turning him slightly towards her – and then stopped. She was about to invite him to take a peek, but she wanted to make this a moment he would never forget either… and that happened with suspense and anticipation building.

“I’ll lead you,” she replied softly.

“Then I’m yours,” he murmured, trusting her implicitly.

She was touched by the knowledge that he would do, give, or enable her to have anything she wanted… and that he could believe in them so very much that whatever she was hesitating in telling or showing him?

Kyle simply didn’t care - he just wanted her.

As they walked out of the hallway, she heard several murmurs and glanced up at Kyle to see if he was peeking. Instead, he wore a slight smile on his lips as they walked forward slowly, together, up the aisle.

She met several curious sets of eyes, several tearful ones, and several excited faces of their friends and coworkers.

None with shock, hesitation, or concern.
