Page 8 of Courageous Touches

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Stepping up to the doorway, she looked around, marveling at the beauty of the old stone building, and was touched that it seemed to be frozen in time. Inserting the key, she had to wiggle it in the lock several times before the door finally budged.

As the door opened, the dust went flying once again – just like it had last week when she came to see if it would indeed need to be sold or if something viable could be done with this… and again, she wasn’t disappointed.

Those cases, although filthy, were breathtaking to behold and would be downright charming when filled with pretty treats, snacks, or desserts.

She could see the shelves that were once lined with canned goods in the old photographs. They could be lined with plates, cups, various coffee cans, or something to make you feel like it was warm and welcoming.

The single hanging light would need to be updated almost immediately because it looked like it had been installed by a drunk on a crooked ladder, hanging awkwardly at an angle and held together with what looked like was baling wire…

Yes, PawPaw Mattingly wasnotan electrician… but hewasa doer.

Her grandfather would attempt anything because it needed to get handled, and she remembered as a little girl he would joke all the time about how he didn’t see ol’ Saint Peter hiding around a corner waiting for him…

Those were days so very long ago that it brought a tear to her eye.

The bathroom was indescribable, and the toilet would need to be replaced. Filth, dust, and debris was everywhere… but it was nothing that some cleaning, fresh paint, and a bit of updating couldn’t fix.

“PawPaw… if you are listening? I sure could use a little help and guidance,” Reyna whispered openly in the empty building, rubbing her upper arms and feeling so lost. “I don’t even know if this will work – but Ihaveto try it.”

“Miss Mattingly?” a voice interrupted, causing her to jump and scream in alarm as she whirled around. Her heart was beating furiously, having thought it was a ghost talking to her – or her grandfather answering, before she realized someone had called her ‘Miss’…

The firefighter was standing there, holding his hands up in front of him apologetically and looking at her curiously.

“I’m really sorry,” he began. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I apologize again. I saw you walk in here and thought…”

He drew up slightly, and looked at her oddly.

“Are you crying?”

“Can I help you Mr. Rimes?” she said tightly, turning away and wiping her face, embarrassed that she’d been caught crying by this man. It was all so much, and starting to take its toll on her.

“I thought I would let you know that I’m getting ready to head back to the fire station, and I’m free on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of next week. I checked my phone and when I saw you walk in here – I thought I would swing by instead of texting you,” he hesitated. “This place is really run down, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” she scoffed nervously, looking around. “I’ve got quite a herculean task ahead of me.”

“What is this place?”

“My grandparents had one of the first little grocery stores here in Ember Creek…” she smiled sadly. “It’s been empty since before I was born, and my parents just let it sit here. I’ve only seen it, during its heyday, in old, yellowed Polaroids and photographs.”

“Ah…” he hesitated and looked at her. “I’m Kyle, by the way…”

“Reyna,” she replied, picking up her keys off the dusty counter and heading towards the door where he stood.

“That light looks a little sketchy…” he said openly, pointing at the ceiling and glancing at her. “Are you planning on fixing this place up, or selling it?”

“It’s kinda the reason why I bid on the auction today,” she admitted, feeling a smile touch her face as his own budding one suddenly fell.

“This?” he gaped and looked around. “You want me to paintthis?”

“It needs help desperately and…”

“It needs some Minwax…” he countered bluntly, looking around in wonder, and then touching the carved edges of the massive glass case nearby. “This is handmade, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know…”

“Don’t paint it,” he countered and glanced at her. “Can I walk around the counter?”

