Page 101 of The Senator

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“Gutter trash, huh? Takes one to know one, senate scum.” Gailo spits at him and walks over behind me. He puts a hand on my shoulder. “So, this is the Delgadoprincesa.”

“Watch it.” Mark says, in a tone that sounds very real. Very truly upset, not acting. We are going to blow this.

“No, please,” is all I can manage to get out. “Please stop.”

“Ellie, just look at me. You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.” Mark says.

“She is as beautiful as people say, that’s for fucking sure.”

“I told you to watch it.”

“Or what, asswipe, you gonna hulk out and break your restraints? Just tell me what I want to know and I’ll untie her right now.” Gailo grips my shoulder, hard. I wince.

Mark almost growls. “You fucker. You are a dead man.”

“No. A resourceful one. Just think of all I could do with this littleprincesahere.” Gailo circles me like a predator, keeping one hand on my shoulders as he goes. I recoil from the touch. He is an amazing actor or a psychopath. Or both. Mark is shaking and pulling hard against the bindings. “So many things I could do. Shall I tell you some, little princess?”

“What are you doing?” Mark says.

Gailo leans down to my ear. “I’m going to nick your scalp, it’ll just be a tiny pinch, but it’ll bleed a lot. I’m sorry.” My face must show the terror I feel. He’s going to cut me with a knife?

“What the actual fuck? What are you saying?” Mark is yelling now. No insults either. He’s going to say his name.

“Please stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.” That’s all I say, over and over, to stop myself from saying something I shouldn’t.

“Tell me what I want to know, or she dies, Senator.” Gailo puts the knife to my throat. I feel the steel and cry out, trying to hold in everything, all the words.

“If you so much as scratch my wife, I swear to GOD!” Mark yells the last word as the blood pours down my neck. I barely felt any pinch of pain but I definitely feel the liquid. I look down and start to get woozy. I throw up again, down my front. My head goes back and things go black for a second, but Gailo grabs my hair.

“No, no passing out on me, Mrs. White.”

“Stop! Fuck! Stop! Fine!” Mark screams, distraught, and lurches so hard his chair falls over. His head hits the concrete floor, hard. “Fuck!” He screams again. I let out a sob.

“You ready to talk, asshole?” Gailo says, kneeling down in front of Mark’s face. Mark spits in Gailo’s eye. “No? I need to spend more time with wifey then?”

“No! Fine, it’s at least a hundred cars at each checkpoint.” Mark starts babbling fast. Gailo rights his chair and peppers him with questions. He pretends not to believe him at first, the scale of it, the numbers. He pushes for more details about the tags and the software and how everything gets into the country.

“Ellie, are you alright? Ellie?” Mark calls to me but all I can do is cry. I try to nod. I think.

Gailo tuts. “Ah, ah, eyes on me, shithead, or I’ll start slicing her other side.”

Mark fumes at him. “I’m going to kill you.”

“Yeah, yeah, keep talking. The vehicles, come on.” They go on for a few more minutes. Gailo touches my shoulders, threatens me a few more times. My ears ring and I keep dry heaving. My clothes smell, the room smells. Mark is covered in blood now.

After an eternity, Gailo gives the kill it motion on his neck to the guy at the camera. He responds, “Clear.”

Gailo rushes to me and starts to untie me while the camera man unties Mark. Gailo is shaking too now. “I’m so sorry. You did so well. Fuck, I hated thataaaaaaaa” Mark hauls him away and throws him across the room like a rag doll.

“My turn,brother.”Mark spits, sounding void of life. Sounding evil.

“Mark,” Gailo pleads, getting up from where he fell. “I’m sorry, but it was the only way. There had to be blood.”

“Oh, there’s going to be blood, motherfucker.”

“Mark?” I say but he can’t hear me. He is punching Gailo over and over, bashing at him. “Mark! Mark!” I scream. I scream his name, one long scream as loud as I can. He finally snaps out of it. He stands tall.

“Never touch her again. I mean it. Not a friendly hug, not a damn hand shake. Or I will kill you.” He turns to me. He looks like he’s been through war. He stumbles over to my chair and holds my head. “I’m so sorry. Fuck, Ellie I should’ve let you go. I should’ve cut you off and never brought you into this.”
