Page 110 of The Senator

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The man’s face twists with disgust. “There are no good ones, not your lot. All you politicians are the same, dirty, crooked, selfish—“


“Gene,” I say loudly, cutting him off. “I don’t know what backwater Texas town you crawled out of, but here in the civilized world, we don’t address United States senators that way.”

“Oh, honey, I—“

As this old white guy tries to spout more bile, I think of the man beside me, who’s literally hidden himself his entire life. He isn’t even a person anymore, he’s a cause. He’s a mission. This old crust of a man could never understand that kind of selflessness. “Not to mention my husband has more honor, courage, duty, loyalty and love of country in his pinkyfingernailthan you couldeverhope to have in your whole ancient, fat—“

“You know what!” Mark suddenly holds up his phone. “I have a call to take. Excuse us, Gene.” He drags me away from the vile codger whose color has drained from his wrinkled face. I’m so angry, so tired, so frustrated I don’t notice where we’ve headed until I’m whisked behind a door and cloaked in darkness.

Mark flips on a light. We’re in a utility closet?

I’m shoved into the door and Mark is on me. Kissing me. Hard. He shoves my lips open and invades me with his tongue. He moans, taking my head in his hand and titling it so he can have his way with my mouth. He moves his soft lips to my chin, jaw, and into my neck. He licks me. Licks me! Along my jaw and then sucks under my ear.

“Tengo que estar dentro de ti ahora mismo o moriré.” I have to be inside you right now or I'll die.Mark says before he’s kissing me again. On my mouth, a real kiss, with his moaning and sucking and grunting. His hands leave my neck and shoulders and go down to the edge of my skirt. He pulls away to look into my eyes.“Nadie me ha defendido de esa manera en mi vida.” No one's ever stood up for me that way in my life.He’s panting. “Did you mean it?” He asks, moving his hands slowly up my thighs.

“Yes,” I whisper. I pull on his lapels and realize he took off his pin.

“Fuck! I need you. Right now.” He exhales the words quickly, asking me for permission.

I nod, totally overwhelmed with a million emotions that I can’t sort. He rips my panties down and I hear the foil. With that sound, some of the emotions surface. He just had a condom on him? Just in case? Does he always? For me, for whoever?

Anger is first. That this is the only way we have sex. Sadness that we’ve never once actually made love. Frustration with myself that lust is clouding everything else. Distrust of him, his feelings. He’s probably just as tired as I am, and sexually pent up too.

I pull away and turn around, moving away from the door. I grab onto a nearby shelf.

“What?” He mumbles at what I’m doing.

“Like this.” I say, spreading my legs and bending forward.

He hesitates, then smooths his hands over my ass as he mutters a million curses is Spanish under his breath. He slowly moves one hand around, teasing my entrance with his fingers.

“Damnit, Ellie. So wet for me already. So fucking perfect.” He pulls up, moving to press on the pressure point in front right as he enters me from behind.

I cry out as he fills me, ruins me. He goes slower than usual, pulling out and back in, massaging with his fingers. He kisses my neck. Tears well up. Furious, heartbroken tears. I don’t want them to fall. I won’t let them. I shove back into him.

“Fuck me, Mark.” I manage to say.

He freezes. He moans as he pushes back in, then he obeys. He is back to his usual pounding, grinding hard and fast at me. “Come, Ellie, come for me.” He says as he pinches my clit, hard. Like every time, my body does as he commands. I clench hard around him, making him lose it at the same time.

He pulls out and we adjust ourselves. “Ellie,” he starts as he finds a trashcan.

“Let’s go.” I mutter, cutting him off. I open the door and head out before he can stop me. No more lies or half-truths or manipulations.

No more of any of it.



My whole torso seizes when she enters the kitchen. It’s strange and unpleasant. I feel unhinged. She’s avoiding me and she was barely there during the sex last night. Which was in a storage closet. Not very romantic, I realize, but I wasn’t lying when I said I had to have her.

The way she defended me. She said I was honorable. Selfless. And she actually knows me. It was an almost out-of-body experience. My eyes stung and my breath caught and I had to get her alone immediately.

But then I did a shit job of communicating any of that. I think I mumbled some caveman sounds about how wet she was and then… She told me to fuck her. Just hearing her say that phrase was something else. It was wrong and dirty, which made it scorching hot too.

I should’ve stopped, should have brought her home and slowed down, thanked her, licked and sucked and given her a million orgasms. But I don’t think I could’ve stopped for anything in that moment. Nuclear bomb, my mother walking in…nope. I would’ve kept on. A real sicko.
