Page 134 of The Senator

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My eyes go wide. “The sushi!”

“It’s in the fridge. I had Ric help me move it all. That shit was expensive.”

I laugh and he wraps his arm around me, standing in the spray. “More of that, from now on, I promise.”


“Your laugh.” He kisses me, slowly, sweetly, before pulling back. “Come on, we aren’t done with our date yet.”

"Wait," I say, pausing to ask for what I want, for more. "Tell me you love me."

He grins, like he's proud of me for asking. "I do. I love you so much, Eleanna."

“Again,en español.”

He inhales and then lets it all out. “No hay suficientes palabras en ningún idioma. Eres mi sol, mi corazón, mi alma, mi ángel, mi cariño, mi amor. Te amaré hasta el día que muera.”

There aren't enough words in any language. You are my sun, my heart, my soul, my angel, my darling, my love. And I will love you until the day that I die.



Something is seriously wrong. And I can’t help but think it involves my best friend. Which is why I’m back on this damn treadmill, pushing myself beyond my max for the second time today.

I mean, she gets kidnapped by one of mine, someone inmia famiglia,and I don’t know about it? I’m not involved? Everyone knows she and I are close, they would’ve cleared it with myPapà, and I would’ve heard.

Hell, beyond friendship, this is just bad business. It could’ve started a war. It may still. No one makes those moves without me knowing. Moves against Fausto, against the biggest and most powerful family in the country…


Not possible.

I press the incline button on the panel in front of me. Need to push. Need to think faster, harder.

Someone else took Ellie. And her slick professional liar of a husband pinned it on us. She went along with it, or truly believed his account of what happened. Doesn’t matter which.

He—Mark Asshole White—he knows it wasn’t us.

So…what the hell? What does he want? Is he a double agent now, working with whoever nabbed them?

That’s the other question. Who could storm in and take a senator and a Delgado like that? Feds?

I shake my head, sweat flying. Also, not possible.

I have to think if it was a federal agency, Mark would be dead. Fausto has his fingers deep in every three-letter pie, so he would’ve known right away. Mark also doesn’t strike me as a snitch. More like a snake.

Which brings me to the other syndicates. I haven’t figured out why Mark would partner with the Irish or the Russians when he has a sweet deal—a 50 million dollar dowry!— with Ellie’s uncle. I also haven’t been able to nail down which clan.

It could’ve been the Volotovs, even though Vix denies it. I don’t trust her past the amount I pay her for her sleuthing gigs. All the families are restless and greedy, including hers.

It’s possible it was a foreign entity, maybe Canadian. Or a cartel from the south. Even a foreign government, though all of those operations are so much smaller, less organized and underfunded, it’s highly unlikely.

Almost as unlikely as Fausto himself pulling these strings. Kidnapping his own family wouldn’t be completely unheard of, but the end result—givingmia famigliamore of his product for the same price—is too strange. In what kind of long-ass play would a move like this make sense?

I shudder and slow my pace for a beat. Because it’s most likely that somehow, it’s Skulls. The fucking Irish. I don’t know much about their inner workings, but what I do know sounds every bit as bad as the Volotovs. The whispers about Skulls, their leader, are filled with chilling, dark, soulless stuff.

Why would the Irish partner up with my best friend’s husband? Does Ellie know more than she lets on? Because she didn’t suffer much PTSD at all, even though she was beaten and threatened.
