Page 24 of The Senator

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“Yes. I’m supposed to secure the ring. Any input on the style?”

“Are you serious with this shit, Robbie? I don’t care, just pick something. Or have Al do it.”

He sighs. “It’s going to be seen, written about, gushed over. It needs to be the hot shot senator’s ring for his Spaniard heiress. It matters. What do you think would suit her?”

I hum in thought. “She always wears gold earrings, so yellow gold, I guess. Big stone, but not mafia money big. More like old oil money. Like my mother’s. And a simple band with a round classic diamond. She’s old fashioned.”

“Welllll,” He drawls, “someonehasbeen paying attention.”

“Just doing my stupid job. Begrudgingly, I might add. And under duress.”

He laughs at that. “You’ve never been under duress a day in your adult life.”

“What’s the occasion? And when?”

“Seriously? You really are distracted. It’s July 4th, M.” I curse under my breath. Of course, they’re having their giant party. “Get there by 7.”

“7pm. Understood. Guest list?”

“Unconfirmed. Keep your eyes up though.”

“How about you, Robbie boy? It’s been a while.”

I can all but hear him shuddering at the idea. “Sounds hot.” I tense and he grows even more awkward. “Oh. Yeah, it’s, uh, outdoors of course. Sorry.”

“I’m used to it, it’s fine.” I change the subject. “So, I need to let mybetrothedknow about this, and I’m tired of calling her ugly fuck of a father. Let’s get her a phone.”

“You got it. Same model as yours. It’ll arrive…tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” I inhale deeply. “So, Fausto’s meeting. I guess you’ll be in touch.”

“Clear as day.”

“Dark as night.”


“Mark!Beinvenudo, sobrino!”Hearing Fausto call me nephew is almost enough for my smile to falter. His smile is actually a bit infectious. I can see how he has acquired so much power. He’s a likable man, yet still intimidating. When he’s good, he’s great, but you get the feeling he could turn angry at any moment. He doesn’t bother hiding the edge to his smile like I do.

As I walk into the back room of one of his restaurants, I quickly scan. Eight grizzly men around the perimeter of the room, evenly spaced. Two outside the door. Four of mine are out there too. Eleanna’s father sits next to Fausto at a table in the center, and their seconds, Arlo and Marty, respectively. I don’t let my face respond, but balk at the nickname when he is actually known as El Martillowhich meansthe hammer.

I make sure to scan each face quickly. Interesting that Raul is also at the table, since he’s usually with his charge, my bride-to-be. Also surprising that Roberto is present, Eleanna’s younger brother, who is only nineteen. Although, in this world, I suppose that’s more like twenty-five. He’s probably tortured and killed a dozen men already. He became a Made man at fourteen. Since then, I’m sure his days are spent stabbing, shooting, punching, slicing, choking, drowning, burning. I resist the urge to ball my fists.

“Thank you for the invite.” I say casually before sitting next to Roberto, almost directly across from Fausto.

“Por supuesto.” Of course.Fausto waves at one of his men, gesturing to bring more food and drinks to the table. “You got our first deposit, yes?”

“I did, thank you.” Robbie had just texted me about a two million dollar transfer.

“Show of good faith on our part, sending that before my niece has a ring on her finger, don’t you think?” I nod like a humble, intimidated little man, urging him to get to his point. “So, I hope you can take action in good faith as well.”

“I am nothing if not a man of action.” I say with a sly smile. He likes that.

“Sí.Already so connected at just 35. Use those connections to start moving the money we talked about. Border Security is getting those appropriations. Almost a billion dollars.”

“I am on the subcommittee, but moving money from Border Security right now would—“

“No. Keep it there, but keep the dollars away from the actual border.” He takes a loud bite of a chip, and stares at me to finish his thought. I don’t. He has a million moving parts along the southern US border, and I want him to spell this out. If I look dumb, even better. Just so long as I get the full picture of my new partner and his operation. “More boots on the ground, more horses, more ATVs, better artillery. All that is bad for us, yes?”
