Page 25 of The Senator

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Us. Disgusting.

“Ah.” I nod. “With such a big bond coming through, we’ll need more supervisors, directors, committees, planning initiatives. Top level. Might leave some weaker spots as-is, or maybe even worse, before we can fortify security from down to the boots at the bottom.”

“Exactamente.” Exactly.He’s practically salivating. Honestly, I am too. I’ve waited to get close to the action for almost a decade. Here I am, sitting witheljefehimself. And this is not a difficult ask, either. Redirecting money to the least-actually-helpful division of a budget is basically the senate’s job description at this point.

“But,” I clear my throat. “It would be helpful to know when and where you want said spots.” I say. His eyes darken and his grip on his drink tightens.

“After the marriage certificate is signed, and some funds start to flow north from the border, then we can talk about your fence,sobrino.”

Eh, it was worth a shot. Also. Call me nephew one more fucking time…

“Understood. I am proposing Saturday.”

“Wonderful.” Fausto relaxes.

“Eleanna will be thrilled,” Renaldo pipes in, talking for the first time since I sat down. “She will be a lovely bride for you.”

“And what pretty ninos you two will make, eh?” Fausto adds. It’s an obvious order. Or threat. My stomach shrivels up like a scared asshole. I am not having any damned children. Definitely not mafia children. Either way that’s precisely what they would be; damned.

“Let’s hope they take after her,” I say with a casual chuckle, not letting my voice carry even a hint of tension. They laugh and agree. Fausto dismisses me then with thinly veiled threats about seeing rings on fingers and administration positions on budgets.

In the car, I deflate.

Mark: Well we learned a fat load of nothing from that little rendezvous

Robbie: False. Raul was there, and Roberto. Unusual and unexpected.

Mark: See anyone else in the footage? Theories?

Robbie: I’ll get back to you.

Robbie: I think you’re way too hard on yourself, btw

Mark: ?

Robbie: I think you’ll make very handsome babies

Mark: FOMF


I notice I have another text. I pull it up and see Robbie’s been hacking around in my phone again.

WIFEY: Thank you for the phone.

I immediately change her information. I also hop online and send Robbie a live ant farm. He hates bugs. I almost smile imagining his mental breakdown when he unboxes his gift from “Wifey.”

I get back to the matter at hand.

Mark: I needed to be able to update you.

Mark: Saturday my parents are hosting a Fourth of July party.

Mark: Be ready by 6

Eleanna: Okay.

Mark: A lot of important eyes will be on us, so I am going to propose.
