Page 32 of The Senator

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“No, it’s so great formeto finally meetyou!I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you.” Annabelle is laying it on a little thick, but I’m not surprised. I only texted her a few things but it’s the first time I’ve discussed a woman with her at all. I was a bit concerned about her heart going into shock.

“Likewise. Thank you for having me, and happy early birthday.”

“Oh, you didn’t need to,” My mother looks between Eleanna and me.

The now-redhead gives me a sheepish look. “It was Mark’s idea.”Oh, hell.I fight a grimace as she opens the box. Inside is some scrawny pink cactus flower looking thing. I bet it cost $10. I’m about to apologize when my mother gasps.

“What! This is a Echuveria Supia! And so big and in such good condition! Mark, how did you even find this?”

I clear my throat and refuse to look at my date who is beyond pleased with herself. “I have my ways.”

“Always so thoughtful, ever since you were young. I have a perfect spot for this in the zen garden.” She says, gesturing behind her where, sure enough, there’s a whole section of landscaping dedicated to cacti and succulents. She hugs Eleanna again. “Thank you both. James!” She calls over the original Senator White who I had to suffer an entire day with. “James, come meet Eleanna.”

“This is my girlfriend, Eleanna Delgado.” I say casually, like I’ve ever had a girlfriend or brought a girl home.

“Of course, lovely to meet you.”

“And you, Senator. Mark has told me great things.”

“Ah, she’s lying for you already. And she looks like a dove while doing it. Perfect.”

“Oh, James, hush.” Someone calls to my mother from across the lawn, so starts to excuse herself and her snake of a husband. Before she leaves she gushes again about the stupid plant.

I brace for Eleanna to gloat. I sure as hell would if our positions were reversed. She doesn’t. I squint down at her.

“It was just a Google search.” She shrugs. “Texas Gardenerdid a piece on her.”

“Ah.” I dismiss it. She’s right that that’s not some giant feat. In fact, it’s part of her new job description as my wife. “Well, let’s make some rounds.” She gestures as if to sayafter you.

I’m surprised she still hasn’t tried to hang off my arm or hold my hand. I’ve had to yank free of many a date in my life. Though, I did explicitly tell her not to touch me. Good that she can follow orders.

I stay ahead of her so I don’t have to look at all that skin on her back. Or her flowing red hair that dances around it. Her hair is long and thick in a way that just begs to be fisted and tugged.Seriously, I have got to find someone to have sex with immediately.

Once we start chatting with bigwigs and relatives, I start to forget about all the distractions. I scan around me for notable guests. I hone in on what senators aren’t saying, who’s glaring at whom, which men are clearly having an affair, which wives are high as kites. There is a lot to take in. And that’s besides my anticipation of a few exceptional guests Robbie alluded to.

I realize an hour or so in that Eleanna has known almost everyone we’ve approached. She actually studied these assholes. Like, memorization of pets and hobbies. She’s as good at this as I am. Which is really damn annoying. I underestimated her, yet again. I can’t believe she knows about my coffee addiction, is winning all these fuckers over to Team Eleanna and I have nothing to work with.

The next time I see Robbie I’m gonna— wait.

“Robbie?” I almost squeak his name in shock. It’s been years since I’ve seen him in person. Every hair on my neck stands up. If he’s here, so are others.

“Mark,” he says nervously. He’s sweating even more than the rest of us and looks like he’s in physical pain. I scan him, trying to non-verbally ask about one million questions.

“I’m Eleanna,” She extends her hand.

“Hi. Rob.” He says awkwardly.

“And how do you two—“

“College.” We say in unison, cutting off her question.

I clear my throat. “It’s fucking good to see you, man. How is your family?”

“Not great. My brothers, in New York?” I nod. “One has that awful stomach bug. The other we thought had the same thing but turns out it was cancer.”

“Stomach cancer?”

