Page 34 of The Senator

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Wait. That is Lydia!

“Did he say hi to you or wave or anything? I really thought you’d get a second date.”

“No one gets a second date, you know that.” Lydia replies. “They get a fancy meal, a ton of contacts, a hot, hard dicking from behind with clothes on, and then he bolts and never calls again.”

Wait. Mark was her date for that. They’re talking about Mark.

My Mark. Asexual untouchable Mark?

“I’m sorry, babe.”

“Eh, don’t be.” They continue talking quietly next to each other while in their separate stalls. “He is always up front about it, at least he was with Shelby and Kaitlyn too. Except I don’t think he slept with them. Just blow jobs.”Just blow jobs?My heart is pounding so furiously my skin is throbbing from the inside out.

“So, was it hot?”

“The hottest.” Lydia whines. “I went in for a kiss and he shut me down, tsking at me saying I knew the rules. Like he was a teacher and I was a naughty school girl. He is literally the sexiest man alive. No kiss though, during or even after. I texted him the next day, but no reply. If he so much as raises an eyebrow at me tonight, I will climb him like a tree in front of God and the whole state of Texas. He hasn’t though.”

They flush and move back to the sinks.

“If he’s one-and-done, maybe I should try.”

“Eh, he’s got that gorgeous rich girl as his date tonight. Old money, Spanish money. Met her at that same lunch, actually.”


The bathroom door swings open, but I hear them finish their conversation.

“Next time, though, she’s just for tonight and then he’ll be up for grabs again.”


Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

I walk out to the sink and wash my hands. I put my damp right hand on my neck to try and soothe myself. I initially assumed that he was a bit of a player. Just like I would have expected of any Made man my uncle would’ve matched me with. This should not trip me up.

But I hate that after settling our agreement, even on the day we fake-met, he went and had very real sex. Rough, dirty, impersonal sex with another woman. That stings badly.

I just need to remember my preparation for this. I’ll just have to change my terms. Forget discretion, which I never really wanted anyway. I will explain that fidelity is a part of our agreement. Full stop. Non-negotiable. He’ll agree, because there is something he needs from us. Fifty million dollars, for starters.

Except, no, he already has more than that. So, again, what is he doing with me? Why would he stay? What is the point of fighting for this? I fight the urge to throw up. My phone buzzes, a welcome distraction.

Mark: Center tent. Now.

Eleanna: Okay.

I make my way to him in a sad haze. I see his perfect hairline towering over everyone else. He’s changed into a dress shirt for our big moment. When he spots me, he gives me that performative megawatt smile.

“There she is!” He says for the benefit of some old guy beside him. I try to smile. He puts a hand on my arm. Like always, my skin flutters under his touch, even as I try to tell myself to get over it. He leans in closer than he’s ever been before and whispers, “Your mask is slipping,sweetheart.”

“Whew, excuse me, it’s just so hot! I’m Eleanna. Don, right?” I say to the man, remembering him from my printouts. He gushes over me and Mark. I notice Mark take an appetizer from a passing tray and I have to stop myself from yelling.

“Mark!” He freezes, confused. “I think that’s crab on that canapé.” I say softly. I realize I’m giving myself away. He’s never told me about his allergy.

He softens slightly, “It’s imitation. Cod, I think. My mother wouldn’t serve the real thing. She’s probably told the HOA not to have any shellfish in the whole neighborhood, isn’t that right, Don?” The two men laugh.

“Oh, right, of course.” I say, feeling beyond dumb. Now I’m fighting to smile through not only biting disappointment but keen embarrassment too.Lovely.

“You’ve got a winner here, my boy,” Don says. “Looking out for your allergy like that, she was distraught. What a keeper!”
