Page 40 of The Senator

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Zander: Someone really doesn’t want to be seen there

Mark: At a wedding?

Robbie: Your wedding. To a mafiosa.

Mark: Cops?

Robbie: Could be Feds.

Mark: Shit.

Zander: Eyes up. Watch your back.

Mark: Understood.

I guess I’ll just have to ask her about the creep—or rather which of these creeps specifically—that said or did something to her. Later. Right now, I need to find my dear soon-to-be-father-in-law and make the rounds again. Someone here is not on our official guest list.


I catch the car door as it’s about to close. A startled and then very suspicious little Eleanna Junior stares up at me.

I smile. “Good evening, Mia.”

“Hard pass.”

“I need a word with your sister, please.”

“In our car?”

Eleanna intervenes. “Mia, just ride with Mamá.”

“You don’t have to catch another ride, just give me a minute.” I say, annoyed to be pleading with a teen.

“Ugh, fine.”

I maintain my smile as I climb in the back seat. “Give us a moment, please, Raul.” He nods and gets out, standing guard outside his door.

“Everything okay?” She asks me. Looking genuinely concerned which is an earnestness that I am too tired to deal with at this point.

“You tell me. Some man spoke to you and you turned ghostly. Who and what was it?”

“Oh,” She looks away, sheepish. “There was more than just one.”

“Well? A list then.”

“What does it matter?”

I grit my response. “It matters because I am asking you. I won’t tolerate you being threatened.”

“It wasn’t a threat, really, it doesn’t matter, Mark. It’s not worth adding to…” she gestures at my shoulders. Again, taking care of me as if I’m hers to take care of. Infuriating.

“I thought we agreed to be direct. Tell me what the fuck happened.Ahora, Eleanna!”

She sits up straighter, surprising me. No doubt she’s probably surprised I just yelledNow!at her in Spanish.

“No. It was nothing, and I am being direct in telling you I don’t want to repeat meaningless lewd comments to you, just so you can either spew more hatred about my family, or berate me for standing there and taking it, or any other list of probably cruel reactions that you will have that I am frankly too tired for. No.”

This woman. Is going. To be. The death. of me.
