Page 42 of The Senator

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Our very serious, very expensive photographer rushes up to us. “The shade is just perfect by those trees out front right now for some gorgeous shots for the magazines, can we?”

“Oh,” I say, still not quite coherent, but aware enough, apparently, to look out for Mark. “I prefer to stay in the air conditioning, please.”

“It’s fine, Eleanna.” Mark says tersely as he starts to follow her towards the doors.

“Pf, come on,” the photographer rolls her eyes at me, “You’ve caked on enough makeup to paint a house. You’ll be fine.”

Mark stops and turns to her with a smile. “I’m sorry, Colette, is it?”

“Yes, Senator?”

“I must have misheard. It sounded like you just insulted my bride, which simply couldn’t be,” he chuckles, casual and warm as ever, “because if it was, I’d make sure you never took another fucking photograph in the state of Texas ever again.”

She shrinks before us. “I, uh…”

“If such a stupid assbackward grievance did occur, I’d at least expect you to be falling all over yourself apologizing to said bride, whose makeup, as you very well know, while wholly unnecessary to begin with, looks absolutely perfect.”

We all freeze. I’m not sure my brain can compute the nicest thing Mark has ever said to me, er,aboutme. She, it looks like, is not sure if she should continue breathing.

Mark grits out through his smile, “I’m waiting.”

“S-s-sorry, Eleanna.”

“Oh, uh, it’s alright. We’re all, a bit, um, tense, let’s just go take the pictures.” Mark sighs angrily. “Just the two of us though, Colette, all the group photos need to be done inside.”

I spiral through various stages of emotional whiplash while Collete poses us in positions under massive trees outside the church. It is beautiful out here and I can tell the shots will be beautiful, even if a bit stilted. And sweaty.

“Ok, Senator, now lean against that trunk there, and Eleanna you lean back against him, sort of a relaxed prom pose.” Collete instructs. I move in front of him by the tree and he places his hands lightly on my waist. She clears her throat. “Um, okay now actually lean back, both of you.” We do. “Smile, Eleanna.” She says.I’m too nervous to smile!His hands are tight around my waist now and we’re touching from shoulder to thigh. My body is exploding everywhere.

Mark whispers through his closed teeth, “Will every dress you wear be fucking backless now?”

That gets a real smile out of me, I talk through my teeth back at him. “Probably.”

“Fuck my life.” He says so softly I barely hear it. His voice has turned to gravel and he barely squeezes me with his hands, making my insides melt like my outside. At the same time, Collete says we’re done and can go back in. Mark immediately pushes me away, and as we walk inside, he retreats back into himself and his fake charm.

We take a million photos with our families and bridal party before driving to the most exclusive country club in the city for the reception. We got a stretch limo to transport the whole bridal party. I wanted Mia and Luna with me, and unsurprisingly, Mark didn’t care either way. He seems to get along with my brothers, which is nice on the surface. I just wonder what he genuinely thinks about them in his head.

The bridal party arrival is announced at the club and we proceed into the expansive ballroom to wild applause. All of us gather at the edge of the dance floor, just in front of the head table, with a receiving line already forming around us. I know Tío’s men need to be seen shaking the senator’s hand, but it’s the White’s guest list that seems the most eager for a moment with my fia—husband.

With my husband.

I’m married.

Z approaches with his father and brother and I have to focus on not blushing. My longtime friend again takes his time looking me up and down and smiling wide. His father reaches us first, when the lead singer of the band, a crooning big-band-style wedding group that both mothers insisted on, says something I barely hear in the microphone.

Mia squeals, “Woo hoo, first dance!”

The color drains from my face. I told themnotto do to this. I shake my head. Everyone cheers and clicks their glasses.

“Oh no, we’re not—“ I try.

“Go show ‘em how it’s done, Ellie!” Zeno yells at us.

“Yes, come on,Ellie.” Mark says, “It’s tradition, isn’t it?” He quickly pulls me a few steps forward out into the dance floor. I’m twirled to face him so quickly and gripped so fiercely I see spots at the edges of my vision. His hand is like a brand on my lower back, so low I feel the edge of his fingers everywhere, especially deep in my abdomen. His other hand grips mine but the way he looks down at me, with an intensity I’ve never seen before - it’s that look that really starts my body throbbing.

“I do not need saving, Eleanna. So quit trying.” I realize that the intensity is anger and I hate myself that I’m still happy to see it. To see anything in his eyes other than indifference. “I don’t need fucking air conditioning or the shellfish police. Just because I don’t enjoy being touched doesn’t mean I can’t endure a single damn dance, seriously.” He calms himself. “My mother would be devastated. All proper gentlemen know how to dance.”

I let out a nervous chuckle, “Do you see any here?”
