Page 60 of The Senator

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Mark: Do any of you have anything worthwhile to say or are we just jamming up this channel for fun now?

Robbie: Tensions are high

Mark: Where?

Zander: Everywhere

Gailo: Good! LFG!

Robbie: O says we need to close this channel for a while.

Robbie: I’ll be in touch directly.

Zander: Understood.

Van: Clear As Day

Mark: Dark as Night

Gailo: DAN

Zander: DAN

Robbie: DAN

The conversation thread disappears and with it, what little joy I manage to feel lately. I’m exhausted. My best friends—my brothers—they joke, but they are spent too. Still, we’re so close. Tensions are high because the time has come. Thank God.

I put up the partition between Ric and myself. Once I’m alone, I carefully take out my contact lenses and put them in the case I keep with me. Feels much better, since I don’t need the things to see. I blink a few times and then rub at my face, trying to wipe away the fatigue and frustration.

I know we’re turning into the drive and I almost don’t want to open my lids again. I know there will be lights on. It’s not that late. I know she’ll pretend to be doing something downstairs. Just to be near me, to sound her siren song. To lure me into her gorgeous, sexy web.

Which is why I’m walking into my back door again and not the side door to the kitchen. I’m going to go straight to my room, to my shower, where I have yet another date with my right hand.

I step into my entry. And damn it all to hell, something smells good.

And as always, I’m starving.

Don’t do it, Mark.

Go to bed.

Stay the course.

You can’t be distracted.

She will be the end of you.

You’re stronger than your baser instincts.

…ah, fuck it.



I expected Mark to pull away again after our moment in his room. I didn’t think he’d flee the state for a week. Clearly he’s terrified. Of me, of himself, of commitment…of affection? I’m not sure.

I am sure that I would not have survived the past week without my new phone and my friends. Determined to escape the loneliness, I asked Luna to add me to her group text thread with Z and his brothers and my brothers, which has been fun. They mostly send memes and animated gifs that Lu has to explain to me, but still, it’s human contact.
