Page 8 of The Senator

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This is about me and Mark.


I sit back down on my bed and grab my laptop with the images pulled up. Mark with his big laugh and wide, easy smile. With his bright eyes and full lips. Lips that said I wasimpeccable, which is close to perfect, I think. I’ll have to actually look up the word.

He’s definitely close to perfect himself. I let myself blush just staring at him. His face really is breathtaking, even on the rare occasion where a photographer finds him serious. I imagine myself next to him, my hand in the crook of his arm. His massive arm that is too much for any suit sleeve to hold, apparently.

I feel that tingle again in my knuckles as I imagine his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his side. He does have big hands and long fingers, I noticed at the table. Maybe he’ll keep his hand on my nape like I’ve seen Papá do with Mamá countless times. Or maybe he’ll be the protective type, and he’ll hold my head to his chest. Or insist on holding my hand at all times. Or hug me from behind and whisper promises in my ear.

Any and all options send a thrill through me, straight down my spine and into my core. I have years ahead to figure out Mark White. I have forever to discover his likes, dislikes, dreams, goals. And to share mine with him as well.

As Lu pointed out, I could’ve faced much worse. He is charming and confident. He held his own with my family, which is beyond telling. There’s something else to him though. I just can’t shake this feeling that whatever kind of man he is, he’s unlike anyone I’ve ever known.

In mere hours, I suppose I’ll find out.



“Say it aloud, Eleanna.” Papá’s gruff voice startles me. We’ve spent the first fifteen minutes of the drive to the governor’s mansion in silence. He scrolled on his phone and I sat poised, calm and ready by his side. Or, I thought I had.


“Whatever has you biting your lip and glancing at me every three seconds. You are your mother’s daughter. Out with it.”

“Well,” I exhale, “what can you tell me, Papá? I know he’s a good match for us, but is he a good match for me?”

He shrugs. “If Tío Fausto says he is, then he is.” I huff dramatically, channeling my inner Mia. He doubles down. “Listen,princesa,we triple-vet a man who wants to buy a house three blocks away, whom we’ll never see. Just because he’ll be close by. I know the social security numbers of your friends. I know about Mia’s secret Instagram. Hell, when you were in preschool I had guards who knew when your little classmates took a shit.”

“Ew, Papá.”

“If this man had any dirt, any skeletons, we would have found them. He is clean. Well-liked. Well-respected. He has connections and powers we need to pass some bills and move some funding. We can give him more money than he could ever dream for his campaign trail, and that’s saying something. Bit of a playboy for the media, maybe, but some capos are just the same.”

I relax the tiniest bit. My father, my whole family, is somewhat terrifying, and there’s a comfort in that. Mark knows who he’s partnering with. He could get funding for his campaigns from a lot of places, though maybe not quite as much. He’s chosen this arrangement, so he must understand our lifestyle to some extent. There’s no room for disloyalty or dishonor. Whatever power he has in politics pales in comparison to the way my uncle rules the entire southern US.

“We’re here.” My father puts a hand on mine. “Don’t misunderstand me. He needs our money, but we need him. Your uncle offered him any eligible woman in our entire network, and he chose you.” His brows are raised in an unsaid warning as he dips his chin.Don’t screw this up for us, daughter.But he quickly relaxes. “And why wouldn’t he choose you? You areperfecta.You are a queen and you look it today. Relax and try to enjoy yourself.”

He chose you.

I smile wide and nod as he gets out just as my door is opened for me. I stand and wait as Papá rounds the car, looking handsome but severe. He looks me up and down and smiles wide as he extends an arm. “Mi pequeña reinita.”My little queen.

I don’t feel that little at 5’4’’ in sky high heels, but he does tower over me. Mark will too.

I hope Papá is right about how I look because the luncheon attire choice almost stumped us all. Mamá, Mia and I went shopping last night and FaceTimed Luna in to help. She and Mia chose a few ridiculous options fit for a night club, while Mamá picked what they both called “funeral fodder.” I ended up kicking them all out and worked with a store stylist on my own.

I landed on a deep red one-piece jumpsuit that I love. I’ll end up naked in a bathroom stall at some point to pee, Mia pointed out, but it’s worth it. It has a high neckline, a structured built-in belt, short sleeves and long pants. I found gold heels to match my earrings and I’m wearing a cream jacket.

It all looks very businessy and boring right now. I plan to take off my jacket, however, which will expose my entire back. Mia and Luna approved and Mamá, well, she never saw the jumpsuit from behind. The lady at the store had to find me special bra cups to tack into the top so no straps would show.

I fixed my hair in a low bun that is elegant, but not tight, and leaves my skin unobstructed. It feels exciting and almost scandalous, which is hilarious and makes me think maybe I have veered too far into nun territory.

Not that I didn’t have a good reason.

But I dealt with that.

I’m not that girl anymore.

It’s time to move forward as the new me, future me. A bride-to-be, ready to run a household and lead her family. One half of a Texas power couple. I square my shoulders accordingly as we enter the mansion.
