Page 95 of The Senator

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I nod. It doesn’t feel like enough. But it’s something.

O looks to my right. “Gailo. Can you do this?”

“I can, but I don’t know if he can.” He points to me. “I will have to hold her, at least put a knife to her skin. We can’t half-ass this shit, bro.” He grabs my shoulder.

“I’ll be fine.” I pull out of his grip.

“And the Italians? Are they looped in?” O has gone into checklist mode. This call is almost over.

“Yes, I have a capo on the inside. They’ll bite.”

“Same with the Irish and the Russians. Everyone is itching with greed, ready to make their move.” Van says.

O nods. “Stay sharp, all of you. The closer we get to them, the better they can see us. Mark is a fine fucking example of that. Hidden, my ass.” He almost smirks, so everyone takes that as their cue to laugh at me. They curse at me in a million languages, most of which says I’m a fuckup, in puppy love, and pussy-whipped. I just rub my hands over my face.

Everyone settles and O continues. “Make the video. I want all of us to check it before you send her with it. If she’s in, I want her to get us that last piece of intel.”

“Wait, what?”

“It’s the best option. She goes to either Renaldo or Fausto’s house, gets in their vault, grabs what we need and gets out. She has a much better chance of slipping in and out than anyone else.”

I can’t help but sneer at him. “Would you…” I stop myself.

“Speak freely.”

“Would you ask that of your wife?”

“Pff, she would demand it herself. If you think Eleanna is not capable, we can revisit it. But if we really have her with us, she could grease the wheels for us considerably.”

I nod, because I don’t really have any other option. My wife is great under pressure and can put up a believable fake smile, but that’s at a dinner party. This is throwing a lamb,mylamb, into the fucking lion’s den. Still, O is right. She could accelerate everything.

“Um, I just want to say it again,” Zander pipes in cautiously. “Just loud and clear, we’re all agreeing to pin everything, the mission, decades of work, our justice and revenge, our actual lives, on thisgirl.”

O hitches a shoulder. “We don’t have much of a choice. Your brother made sure of that.”

I dip my chin. “She’s in. Trust me.”

O goes through a few more checks with each of us since it’s rare we get to have face time like this. As special as it is, I’m only half listening. Because Zander is right. This is everything, my whole life, my family, my friends, everything I believe in, I’m handing it to Ellie on a platter.

And the weight of that is almost unbearable. She could die. Her uncle could shoot her in the head the second she misspeaks and gives herself away. Oh, and she could just choose to flat out betray me.


I pray she truly does love me.

If she does, I hope it’s enough.



I wake and feel for Mark’s arm out of habit. Crazy how quickly the weight of it became such a comfort to me in such a short time. It’s not there. I open my eyes.


I’m in my room, not his. The realization brings my situation back into sharp focus. Instantly I’m sad, angry, afraid, confused and still so tired. It’s light out, late morning by the looks of it. I wonder if I’ll ever feel rested again after all of this.

