Page 52 of Rescuer

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Samara smiled, whipping her hair over her shoulder and racing the final distance to me.She clamped my arms to my side in a death grip of a hug, and I laughed at her enthusiasm, patting her awkwardly on her lower back with the only motion I could manage the way she was holding me.

When she pulled away, her smile was wide.“Wow, Tori, I love your hair.”

I smirked.“You look amazing.”And she did with a healthy flush to her cheeks even though they were streaked with dirt.As I pulled Samara in for another hug, a growl came from the alien man behind her, and I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Easy, Lanir, she means no harm,” Vitri said, then said something in his native tongue which I assumed was the same message.Lanir’s eyes flickered to me but only briefly before settling on Samara again, and his expression softened.

It seemed she had tamed the demon.

“Where’s Misha?”Samara asked, looking around.

“On her way.”

Samara nodded as Lanir dragged his gaze to Vitri, as if not looking at Samara for one moment was torture for the demon-looking alien.“We’re making a plan.Come,” he rumbled.Lanir held out his hand for Samara, who looked at me, her eyes wide and unreadable, before she took his hand and followed him back to Ilk’s.

“Well…” I said, as Vitri and I followed behind, “… they’re a right barrel of laughs.”

“They’re worried about Misha.”Vitri’s tone was somber.

I stopped, grabbing his arm.“Iknowthat.Don’t you think I know that?Don’t mistake my sarcasm for apathy.I’m just as worried about my friends as your hulking grumpy-as-fuck brother is.”

Vitri sank to a knee and ran his hands up and down my arms.“We’ll all be together soon, my mate.”

My lip twisted.I almost wanted to correct him.I didn’t feel like his mate anymore, or even his partner, not with the others around.Sahcor had barely acknowledged me.Lanir looked at Vitri rather than both of us, and it felt like Vitri and I couldn’t be ourselves with the company like we’d slipped from mates back to friends.Our conversations and interactions were awkward and stilted.

I wanted all the girls to be safe.

But then I think all I really wanted was to be with Vitri.

He watched the emotions swirl around in my expression while continuing to stroke my arms.“We’re just about at Ilk’s now, and together, we’ll figure this all out.”

He seemed so sure, and before I felt myself dropping into a pit of self-despair, I took a shuddering and steadying breath.Vitri hadn’t let me down to date, and with all of us together, wewouldfind and rescue the other girls Misha spoke of.

And if, along the way, we could make sure the Ghaal couldn’t hurt anyone else, that would be a bonus.I’m not sure how the Synths felt about that, but part of me simply wanted to eradicate them from the surface of the fucking planet for all they had done.Once everyone was safe, I didn’t care what happened to the Ghaal.

What if they also hadotherspecies captive?Could we save them too?

I looked at Vitri for answers to questions I couldn’t find the will to voice.Not yet, anyway.We would talk about this all together.My alien continued to stare at me earnestly, and I nodded and straightened my shoulders.

This wasn’t the time for doubt.

This was the time for action.

And with my mate, Vitri, I was safe, happy, and ready for the next step.

Continue with…
