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Nikko finally steps aside, giving her some space. “I’m sure you have to get on with your night. Thanks for taking the time to let us know what’s going on. Real quick: Besides finding yourself a hot match, what’s next for the great Boss Lady and trail-blazer Gemma Lafferty?”

“I think—” she blushes, and tries to fix a bump in her hair but fails. “I don’t know—I think a little bit of a slow-down is on the menu. There’s a lot up in the air in my life right now, and I’d rather not talk about it yet. I really have to run.”

“That’s it, folks! You heard it here, on the Nikko Show. Gemma’s back on the dating scene, gonna use her own amazing love-finding system, and she’s gonna take it easy for a while. I’m your host Nikko and I want to say a big, huge thank you to everyone out there listening for your likes, comments, and shares. Your support means—”

I close the tab before he can go on.

Because, suddenly, the vague plan that stirred in me turns totally clear.

I knowexactlyhow to fight for Gemma.

She has trust and faith in her company. Of course she does. She’s worked her butt off to come up with a genius system, and here I am, being a total, stubborn idiot about it. I never did fill out that questionnaire she kept bugging me about. I refused to sit for the interviews.

It takes me a minute to locate a number for her office in Cambridge.

I wait as the line rings twice.

Three times.

Four times.

My knee bounces up and down.

After the sixth ring, someone picks up. “Yo. Right Match, this is Mark.” The dude sounds young, and also like he has a mouth full of food.

“Hey, man. I have a favor to ask you. My name’s Parker Manning, and I think there’s some kind of profile thing I was supposed to fill out—”

“Parker Manning, in the flesh! Ho ho. I can’t believe this. Here I was, about to leave for the night. Now I got you on the line. Parker, I logged some serious hours sorting through your psyche profile earlier this week, lemme tell you.”

“Yeah, about that. I know I didn’t give Gemma everything she needed.”

“She said you were stubborn, among other things. And yes, we did factor that in, when it came to your personality assessment.” He chuckles.

“I’m thinking I want to start over, from scratch, and take a shot at it myself. I’ll pay whatever I have to, plus extra if you’d walk me through it. I’m not great with tech.”

“Man, she’s going to be so psyched. Your profile means a lot to her, because of the major investment your father might make. How about this: no charge. And I will sit right here and hold your hand through the whole thing. Then I’m gonna get your info straight into our data so our software can process it. You got some time?”

I nod, though I know he can’t see me. It feels good to be taking action like this. Really good. “Yeah, I have a little under two hours before I have to head out. That enough time?”

“It is if we get cranking. Okay, bud, we got sixty-eight questions to get through, and then a video interview. We use facial-recognition software plus a super involved lie-detection system, so make sure to keep your answers as honest as possible. You ready?”

I shake out my hand, trying to shed some nervous energy. I feel like I used to, in the early days of my pro career; like I’m about to pick up my racket and walk out onto a clay court.

“I’m ready,” I tell Mark.



Main Street is dark, except for that crooked neon beer mug above the Tipsy Tavern. The other stores and businesses have been closed for hours now.

I pull into the bar parking lot and crawl down one row, then another, looking for Parker’s truck. Is he here?

I have to talk to him.

I have to apologize for leaving in such a rush.

I don’t want to hurt Parker, and I don’t want to make him feel sad. But I know I did. I could hear it in his voice before I left town in a hurry earlier today.
