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“Erkoz!” My mate calls out to Erkoz like she is unhappy, meaning he will be here instantly.

“I am trying to finish the babe’s bed for Ralleth’s creature,” He says when he sees that there is not an actual emergency with Kendra. “What is it my mate needs?”

“Will you just watch his face, and if he looks like he’s in pain, will you tell me?” Kendra sucks in her bottom lip and widens her eyes to entice Erkoz into doing what she asks. She knows how to tug on his soul in the right way to where he will do whatever she asks. I shake my head as I watch his resolve crumble.

“Of course,” He strokes her cheek and then grabs a chair to sit right in front of me.

“You are too soft on our mate, now,” I say when we’re looking into each other’s eyes. Kendra is behind me, touching my horns and probably assessing where she will need to smooth them.

“I am soft?” Erkoz’s eyes widen in disbelief. “You are soft. Look at what you are doing.”

“She makes her eyes big, and you do whatever she says.”

“Because later, when we do things to her in bed, she will remember how sweet I was to her, and then I will be able to whack her ass harder because she is filled with so much care for her Erkoz.”

“Liar.” I cannot stop the laugh I feel from bubbling out of me. “Although she does enjoy you spanking her hard after you have been sweet to her. How have I not noticed this before?”

“Stop talking about me like I’m not here,” Kendra tries to sound irritated, but her smile is evident in her words. “Have you felt anything, Xoth?”

“No,” I go to reach up to my head to feel if she has done anything to my horns yet. She swats my hand away. The rough material rubs against my scales, making me scrunch my nose. If she has the rough material, then has she already been smoothing out my horns? “Have you started?”

Kendra doesn’t answer me, but I feel her starting to put a little more pressure on my head. Yes, she most definitely has been smoothing them out while I speak with Erkoz, and it does not hurt at all. I can feel a slight pressure as she works, but there is no flash of pain or the feeling of anything being forcefully smoothed out. I relax in the chair and close my eyes. I can sit here and enjoy my mate’s proximity while she works. I do not need to worry about anything else.

“I will leave now,” Erkoz says. “I need to finish the crib for Ralleth’s creature.”

“Speaking of that,” Kendra sounds nervous as she speaks, but she keeps applying pressure to my head, so she is still working. “I need you to make another one.”

I reach behind me and pull Kendra around until she is sitting on my lap. She is asking for another bed for a babe, and I know I am not the only one hoping she is asking for herself. Erkoz, who was about to leave, is now kneeling before me, so his face is close to our mate’s. His eyes are hopeful, and so are mine. I am holding our Kendra tightly, and Erkoz is grabbing her face in his palms.

“Oh shit,” Kendra mumbles and then squeezes her eyes closed. “It’s not for me.”

“You are not with—“ Erkoz moves his hand to her abdomen, his eyes still hopeful.

Kendra shakes her head and then peeks through her lashes to see our reactions. I am sure Erkoz is feeling like me, like we were just the happiest males ever to exist, and now that joy has been yanked away. Not that it is Kendra’s fault, because it most certainly is not. We heard her words and decided we wanted her to be with young right now, but that is not how it works. We cannot be upset because we got too far ahead of ourselves.

“We will work on fixing this now, then,” I stand from my seat and march over to the table in the corner of the room. Kendra giggles as I lay her on the wood, and she pulls the tunic from her body like she is in my mind, knowing exactly what I want. “We will finish with my horns after I try to fill you with my young, yes?”

“No,” Erkoz leans over Kendra and presses his lips to hers so she can kiss him. “She can finish your horns after we have both filled her.”

“Do I get any say in this?” Kendra arches her back and trails her fingers down to her sex as she speaks.

“Do you not want to feel your mates?” I move her hands away from her pussy and replace them with my own. I stroke her clit in soft motions that I know she loves more than anything. She needs to be warmed up slowly, and if I try to touch her too quickly or too hard, she squirms around and doesn’t enjoy herself as much. If I touch her lightly and then build up how rough I am with her, she moans my name so beautifully. Right now, I want her to say yes to wanting us, and her growing wetness has me thinking she is more than eager enough to take us.

“Yes, she wants her mates.” Erkoz wraps his hand around her throat and licks the stiff peak of her breast. “Spread yourself, Kendra. Entice Xoth into giving you what you need.”

My little human immediately spreads her legs and moans my name so sweetly that I must give her exactly what she wants right now. Erkoz chuckles to himself as he sees how needy Kendra is, but we are just as needy for her. I pull her to the edge of the table and sink my cock into her, all the way to the hilt, in one swift motion that has her pussy clenching down on me, already trying to milk me before I am ready to spill inside of her. I brace myself on either side of her body and stare down at her as I pump myself slowly in and out of her.

“I love you,” Kendra cries out as my cock brushes against that sensitive spot inside her that has her finding her release while I am inside her. Her pretty flush travels down her chest and abdomen until she is almost entirely pink. She already is the most amazing mate. I cannot wait for her to grow with my young. I will love and cherish her for as long as I am blessed to be in her life. She will never want for anything, not if Erkoz and I have any say.


Three Years Later

ErkozandXothlooklike they’re going to be sick, but I told them they did not want to be near my feet when I started pushing. Did they listen? Of course not. They think they want to see the moment our babe enters the world, but right now, they’re seeing what a mess my vagina looks like since I’ve been trying to push this kid out for the last hour. I’m honestly surprised they’re still standing near the end of the bed. I have Xoth’s hand in mine, but he keeps his eyes focused between my legs even when he looks like he’s going to pass out.

“Alright, one more big push and your young will be here,” Doc says with a smile. I want to smack the smile off his face because I can feel the stupid kid and its enormous head trying to split me in half.

I brace myself for the next contraction, and when I feel it, I push as hard as possible. Xoth wraps his other hand over mine and rubs it softly as I try to crush the one in my hand by squeezing it so tightly. I’m vaguely aware of a desperate groan from my chest as I try my hardest to push this little demon out of me. One last feeling of being completely torn up and then relief. Such an amazing relief as the rest of the babe comes out easily after its big head.
