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“Is it a James or a Marilyn?” I ask as I let my head fall back against the pillows.

Erkoz looks from the babe still between my legs as Doc cleans off some of the nastiness covering it. When he looks at me, his eyes are shiny and bright. Xoth is moving to my side, stroking my cheek and telling me I did a good job. I press my head against his hand and let him comfort me until Doc places the tiny babe on my chest and allows me to admire the little alien I’ve been incubating for the last twelve months.

“I believe this is James,” Doc says, urging Erkoz to join my other side. He’s moving slowly since he’s still so entranced with how our young came into this world.

“Everyone is going to be so mad,” I laugh as I cup my babe’s back with my hand.

When we found out I was with young, it became a game to figure out if the babe was going to be Erkoz’s or Xoth’s. My mates do not care whose it is, considering they both say it’s both of theirs. Still, my demons look very different from one another, so we assumed the young would take the appearance of one of them. Ralleth’s daughter looks exactly like him, and Diane’s son looks like Almaac but with hair. We just assumed this young would look like either of his fathers.

“James looks like his mother,” Erkoz says softly, touching one of his fat squishy legs. His eyes come up to mine, and this time, he wipes away a tear from his eyes. “We are so blessed.”

My son does not look like me, but Erkoz can only see that he is a pale tan instead of red like the other demons. He is still scaled, but his face resembles a human face. He will definitely not tell us who his father is from his appearance.

“We still need to get the placenta out,” Doc says. “You may want to hand James to one of your mates while you push it out.”

“I will take him,” Xoth and Erkoz offer simultaneously, and then each rubs their horns because they feel uncertain.

“Figure it out,” I say as a smaller contraction tries to push the placenta out of me. “You both have years and years to hold him. I promise you’ll each get plenty of time with him.”

Erkoz scoops the young off my chest and holds him close to his own while Xoth continues to hold my hand as I push out the rest of what I need to rid my body of. Doc talks me through everything. I’m barely paying any attention, though. I’m too busy watching one of my mates fall in love with our young while he rocks him gently in his hands. Even Xoth is watching, sniffling away tears.

I don’t know how much time has passed when Doc finally leaves, telling me I did a great job. Then Diane is in the room, her son and mate waiting out in the hall so they don’t see something that might scar them for life.

“How do you feel?” Diane asks me.

Erkoz must not realize she’s not asking him because he’s answering with such pure intentions it’s adorable. “We are so blessed. Have you seen my son? He is beautiful, just like his mother. Yes, we are very good.”

Diane stifles her laugh but keeps her eyes on me. “How are you doing, Kendra?”

“I’m good.” I reach out for James again, and Erkoz quickly places him on my chest. “He really is beautiful. No one wins the bets, though. Unless someone can figure out which one he looks like.”

“He is healthy. That’s all that anyone cares about anyway,” Diane reassures me. I’m grateful she doesn’t reach for him because I don’t want to hand him over to anyone for a long time. Even his fathers can just look at him for the next long while until I get my fill of my sweet baby in my arms.

“Yes,” Xoth nods. “Our son is healthy, and so is his mother. He cups my cheek again and squeezes me softly. “We have been blessed this day. Our young will want for nothing, just as his mother wants for nothing.”

“Well, I know we are excited to have a bigger family,” Diane says as she looks at my mates. She gives them each a squeeze on their shoulder. They’ve grown accustomed to being touched by her just as Almaac has grown accustomed to hugs from me. We’re family now, and we’re very touchy with our family. “Blake will have a friend in your son, and my next babe will have two big brothers to protect them.”

My eyes grow wide at what my sister is telling me. “You’re pregnant?”

Diane smiles and looks at my young with a sweet expression. “Our family will just keep growing.”

“The goddess blesses us,” Erkoz rests his hand on Diane’s head and ruffles her hair slightly. “Bring your mate in here. Let us all celebrate having a new family member.”

I nod at Diane when she looks at me to make sure it’s okay. Doc helped me clean up before he left, and I’m covered by a thin blanket on my lower half so Almaac won’t freak out if he sees me exposed. He’ll get over seeing the tits. They’re the same as his mate’s anyway. Xoth scoots closer to me on the bed, his hand resting on my abdomen as his finger rubs against our babe’s bare back. Erkoz stares down at the three of us, tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

The moment is beautiful and only made more so when the rest of our family joins us. Little Blake, who is just barely walking now, Almaac, who makes my sister so happy, and my mates, who have been the most amazing men I’ve ever been with.

When we were first told we were being sent to this world to procreate, I thought my life would be miserable and not my own. Instead, I am cherished, loved, and surrounded by family I don’t know if I believe in any deities, but I do know that whoever is out there, my mates are right when they say we are blessed.


Sixteen Years Later

Thelightinthesky has just barely started to show when Almaac comes to the house to invite my young and me to go hunting with him and his sons. I do not want to go hunting. The goddess has blessed me to be blood to Almaac for years and years now, so when it is time for me to go hunting, Almaac does all the hard work, and I stand there and entertain myself by seeing if I can upset him before the day is over. He, unfortunately, has grown used to my charm and hasn’t been upset with me in years.

“Hurry up,” I call down the hall where the bedrooms are. I try not to be too loud since my mate is still asleep with Xoth, but the young are making enough noise to wake her, anyway. She opens the door with a yawn and smiles at me when she sees that I am already fully dressed and impatiently waiting for the young.

“You look tense,” Kendra runs her hands over my arms like she can get rid of all my anxieties about taking the young out into the trees today. She can, of course, because she is the most amazing female. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
