Page 48 of Through the Fire

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“Luna,” I speak softly.

She brings her gaze to mine and I shatter. Her face is streaked with black from her mascara. She looks so small, so broken and battered.

I turn off the shower and snatch a towel from the rod. I approach her with caution like she’s a frightened animal.

“I-I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m-“

I draw her into my arms and try to soothe her as she continues to repeat the words “I’m sorry” over and over

“Shh, baby. Shh. Don’t cry. It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

My jeans soak up the water from the tiled floor as I sit there, comforting and reassuring her but I couldn’t care less.

“I’m s-so horrible. I don’t know w-why I did i-it.” She heaves and weeps harder than I’ve ever seen her before.

“Let’s get you to bed.” I hold her tight to me and use every muscle to stand up.

My shoes squelch against the floor and my jeans hang heavy with water from my hips. I sit her on the edge of the bed and sort through my shirts to find one for her.

I found my threadbare TCU shirt and unfold it.

“Here, baby. Lift up your arms.” She holds up her arms and I slide the shirt over her naked body.

I tug it down her back and she hisses. I squint my eyes but can’t focus in the dim light. Reaching over, I turn on the lamp then move around her.

Lifting the shirt I see angry red scratches, crisscrossing her back.

“Fuck! Luna, your back. Shit. It’s all my fault.”

I jump off the bed and run back into the bathroom. I rip the drawers open and tear open the cabinets searching for ointment for her scratches.

Walking back over to her, she sits defeated and hunched over, I know we are at our rock bottom. That means we can only go up from here. We have to.


She doesn’t move as I gently roll up her shirt. She only slightly flinches when I carefully dab each scratch, soothing the pain. when every scratch has been tended to, I right her shirt and sit the ointment on my nightstand.

“Baby,” I caution. “Lay on your side so your back heals. I’ll be right back. Okay?”

She doesn’t respond with words or even a nod. She just lets her body sag and fall to the bed with a soft thud.

I pull the covers over her and go into the bathroom to peel off my wet clothes.

When I settle back down next to her, I wrap my arm around her, making sure not to press up against her back, and I feel her body tremble in my hold.

The events of the night are hitting her like an 18-wheeler and I just know the adrenaline from dancing and the angry sex is gone. Her body is crashing and I fear she may fall into a panic.

I gently run my hands through her hair, combing it away from her face. I place kisses on her neck and whisper, “tomorrow is a new day. We’re going to make it through this. We’ll be in the light again. I promise.”

I continue to soothe her until I feel her breathing even out.

Tonight was the end of our self destruction. It’s time to forge through the ashes and come out stronger on the other side.

Chapter 13


Bright rays beckon me from my deep slumber. My body feels weak and I struggle to open my eyes. They feel sandy and tender and recognize the signs that I spent too much time crying.

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