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I parted my lips to retort a biting comment or something that would make me sound tough, but nothing came out; not when he stood so close, and his musky scent was clouding my brain cells. I gulped and swiped my tongue across my lips, at which point he cocked his head to the side. “What shall I do with you? You are clever. You may have escaped from my men, but not from the surveillance cameras,” he murmured to himself.

Great! Why didn’t I think of that?It only made sense that a dangerous man like Igor would have his eyes and ears on everything. In my haste to escape, I had forgotten to notice this tiny, important detail.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted an opening at his side. If I timed it right, I could make a run for it, and he would never be able to catch me.

Come on, Grace. You can do this!

I took a deep breath and rushed forward.Too late!It was a flimsy, desperate, and unpredictable move. He took a step to the side, blocking my path, and I crashed into his barrel chest. He grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back. Then he lowered his head and whispered in my ear.

“You will soon be my wife and you cannot escape this fate,” he said as his hot breath fanned my ears and sent a shiver down my spine.

“Sure, and the pigs will fly,” I scoffed, trying to sound tough, but my voice faltered.

“The sooner you get used to the idea, the better,” he growled, pressing himself against me. I felt hot and didn't want to embrace the feeling, so I took a step backward, but my back hit the wall with a soft thud.

“I'll never marry you!” I hissed.

He pulled his head back and stared at me intently and I spotted the wicked glint in his eyes as he said, “We'll see about that.”

At that moment he swooped down and pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened like saucers when I realized he was kissing me. His lips were soft and sweet like marshmallows, but his kiss was rough and hungry as he slipped his tongue inside.

I struggled against him, but my efforts were in vain, for his firm grip on my wrists held me in place. His mouth left mine and found the sensitive spot on my neck. He sucked hard on my skin and my body tingled strangely with pleasure. Reluctantly, I threw my head back, parted my lips and my breath quickened.

It felt good, even better than I wanted.

For a moment he let go of my hands and I sprung them forward and touched his rock-hard biceps. But Igor was faster. He quickly grabbed them again with one hand, held them above my head, and pinned me even harder against the wall.

“You're driving me crazy, Grace,” he growled in a harsh whisper, his teeth lightly grazing my collarbone. His voice was husky, full of lust and desire, and I shuddered, feeling my knees weaken.

“The things you do to me..." he breathed, sliding his hand under my top. “The way you make me feel.”

His calloused, large hands traced the curves of my breasts, cupped my bra, and squeezed gently. I gasped. The hard bulge of his erection pressed deep against my belly and heat slowly pooled between my thighs. I clasped my legs tightly together and felt my strong will slowly fade.

He squeezed my breast tighter, and his thumb circled my hard nipple through the thin lace fabric. My eyelids fluttered, I licked my slightly swollen lip, and a trail of goose bumps covered my skin.

Oh God! What is he doing to me? Why do I react so easily to his touch?

His hand slid down my stomach and to my jeans. Skillfully, he ran his finger past the fastened button and down the zipper to the aching valley between my legs. He pressed a finger against the denim and rubbed his fingers hard against me.What the hell, that feels so good.

“You can have more.” His warm, moist mouth vibrated against my throat and neck.

My breath hitched and a low moan escaped me.

I unintentionally rocked my hips as his strong palm pressed on my pubic bone. The air around us grew hotter and hotter, and I could have sworn my panties were soaked. He pulled back and his eyes darkened with focus, I felt like I was falling into the deep ocean. He leaned down, our lips barely touching, I could feel his warm breath in my mouth and a heavy want rose in me.

Slowly, I allowed myself to give in to the sudden, overwhelming desire to surrender to him. I had to kiss him one more time. Just one more time. I stood on my tiptoes to meet him halfway, tilted my head, opened my lips, and closed my eyes as I waited impatiently for his lips to meet mine.

But – nothing!

I frowned in confusion and opened my eyes to see a cocky smirk on his lips and a flush of triumph in his eyes. He let go of my hands and took a few steps back. Next to him, two of his men took up positions. One of them was his henchman Alexei.

“My men will now escort you back to your new room, next to mine,” he said, clearing his throat. “And don't think for a second that I'm going to let you out of my sight. Have a good night, Grace.”

He turned and walked away, while Alexei picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a rag doll.

I gritted my teeth so hard my head throbbed.

“Asshole! I hate you, Igor! And I promise you that you will pay for this humiliation. You will pay!”
