Page 14 of Our Perfect Moment

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“That doesn’t sound very frosty.”

“It’s blue.” The woman shrugged. “Besides, it’s the local favorite.”

Cole couldn’t disagree with that, so he handed over the cash and they each selected a jar before they moved over to where the horses and wagon were pulling up.

“I’m not entirely sure what iced blueberryMoon Juiceis supposed to taste like,” he said to her. “And seeing how you handled your beer last night, I’m not really sure this is a good idea at all.” That wasn’t true. He’d loved her flirty little attitude the night before and he would definitely not complain to see a little more of it.

“Don’t be so serious.” She swatted at his arm and laughed. “Besides, anything blueberry flavored can’t be that bad.”

He hopped up on the wagon, turned and held out his hand to her to assist her up into the stacks of hay. Despite the fact that it wasn’t a sleigh, the wagon was strung with pine boughs and wooden snowflakes that had been painted white. Blankets had been strewn around the wagon, to protect against the chill that was definitely in the air.

Cole found them a spot at the back that wasn’t very crowded and they settled down with a red flannel blanket before he turned to her and tugged on her braid. “I think it’s more than a little ironic that the woman with her shirt always buttoned right to her neck and a braid as tight as this one is telling me not to be so serious. Don’t you?”

She assessed him for a moment, the smile fading off her face before she nodded slowly. “Okay. Fair point.”

“You agree?”

“I do.” There was no trace of laughter in her voice as she spoke, and for a moment Cole regretted saying anything at all. He’d been enjoying their light banter. “There’s more to me than tight braids and seriousness, you know?”

He tipped his head and examined her. “Is there really?”

“There is. Here.” She thrust the jar of Moon Juice at him and before Cole could ask what she was up to, she reached around to the back of her head, pulled out the elastic and unwound her long blonde hair from the confines of the braid. He watched in wonder as Amber threaded her fingers through it and shook out her golden tresses, which resulted in long, wavy locks that were more than a little bit sexy.

Cole swallowed hard and opened his mouth to speak. But no words came out. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to speak again. She was gorgeous. And if Cole had been attracted to Amber before, he was now completely at her mercy. There was no way he’d be able to stay away from her now.

She flipped her hair upside down and shook it a little before flipping it back over her head and looking at him. “Better?” She challenged him with her eyes and there was a whole lot more behind that one little word. “I mean, there’s not much I can do about the buttons.” She gestured to her zippered winter coat that was hiding what he knew was a tightly buttoned blouse. But just the thought of her unbuttoning it had his blood raging hot through his veins and straight to his groin.

Again, Cole swallowed hard, momentarily rendered useless. After a moment, he regained control of himself and reached out to her. He slid a lock of her hair between two of his fingers, being sure to brush her cheek as he did so. She shivered under his touch, but she definitely wasn’t cold. “You’re absolutely stunning.” If it had been anyone else, he wouldn’t have hesitated to slip his hand around her head, cup her cheek and draw her in for a kiss that showed her exactly how stunning he thought she was.

Hell, that wasn’t true at all. If it had been anyone else sitting there with him, he would never have been attracted to her the way he was, because he’d never been so drawn to anyone before. Not. Even. Close.

Cole let his fingers linger, and for a moment considered going in for that kiss after all. But the horses chose that moment to lurch forward and the wagon began to move. He pulled his hand back and handed her the jar of Moon Juice that he’d balanced on his. He tried not to look, or read too much into it, but he was fairly sure in the dimming light he saw a flicker of disappointment in Amber’s eyes.


He was goingto kiss her.

But he didn’t.

It was for the best.

Or was it?

He was still Josie’s brother, after all.


Amber purposely turned away, so she looked out over the edge of the wagon. She took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp evening air, put a smile on her face, and unscrewed the lid of her Moon Juice. She turned and tapped her jar to Cole’s. “Cheers. Happy First Frost.”

He returned her smile. “This kind of makes us locals, doesn’t it?”

“Hardly.” She laughed and took a small sip of her drink. Not really sure what to expect, Amber guarded herself for the harsh burn that she was sure would follow, but the blueberry flavored-alcohol was surprisingly delicious, so she took a bigger swallow. “But maybe this drink makes us locals. This is delicious. Don’t you think?”

“Delicious, but…strong.” He shook his head sharply.

“Be careful,” a man across from them offered. “Mandy’s Moon Juice will sneak up on you.”

“What is it?” Amber took another sip. “Because it’s delicious.”
