Page 32 of Our Perfect Moment

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“Screw you, Cole Price.” Before she could stop herself, her hand flew out and slapped him across the cheek. The sound of it hurt more than the sting in her palm, but not nearly as much as it hurt to turn around and leave him standing there.


The night before,after storming out of the ice castle and making the short walk in the cold November night back to Josie’s house, Amber half expected Cole to be waiting for her. She wasn’t sure whether she was relieved that his truck wasn’t in the driveway or disappointed. After going inside, making herself a peanut butter sandwich and taking a hot shower to warm up, he still wasn’t back, and she’d given up hope that he would walk through the door and apologize.

Did he even need to apologize? Should she be the one to say sorry?After all, she’d hit him.The questions rolled through her head on a continual loop all night. She’d lain awake in Josie’s bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to make sense of what had happened in the ice castle.What had Cole been saying before she’d gotten mad? And why had she gotten so upset?

She at least knew the answer to that one. She was upset because he’d called her out. And he had no right to do that.

Or did he?

Maybe he had a point. Maybe she shouldn’t have taken the job. Maybe she was choosing a safe, boring path for her life. But what was her other option? She didn’t have any. She’d made a choice a long time ago, whether she realized it or not, that the only way to be sure that your life wasn’t going to self-implode was to keep close tabs on it, and make sure every detail was planned. Period. Besides, it wasn’t as if Cole were offering any real alternatives.

Or was he?

Even if he had been serious about going to Australia, what they had together was only two days of fun and recklessness. That wasn’t enough to base any major life decisions on. Amber was smarter than that. She wassaferthan that.

With so much rolling through her head, it was a surprise that she’d been able to get any sleep at all. Her alarm went off at seven the next morning, and she woke disoriented, groggy, and shocked that she’d managed even a few hours. The urge to pull the covers over her head and ignore the outside world was strong. But Josie would be home in less than an hour after catching an early flight, and ignoring her best friend was never an option.

She would definitely need coffee to get through the day. And lots of it. Before she left the room, Amber took her time dressing in jeans and a clean sweater. She tied her hair in a braid so tight it hurt. Cole liked her hair down. More the reason to keep it pulled back.That way, if he was downstairs…what?She couldn’t even finish the thought. Part of her wished with every fiber in her that he would be sitting at the table with a fresh pot of coffee, waiting to talk to her, but the logical part of her knew he wouldn’t be.

Sure enough, by the time Amber pulled together enough courage to go downstairs, she walked into an empty kitchen. There was no sign of him anywhere. More than that, there was no indication that he’d even come home the night before.

Where would he go?

He didn’t know anyone else in Crystal Creek and she hadn’t noticed any motels. Even if there was one, it was likely all booked up because of the festival.

Should she be worried about him?

No.A man like Cole, so full of adventure…he’d be fine.

“He probably found someone to go to the Frosty Frolic with after all.” Amber spat out the words and instantly wished the idea hadn’t popped into her head. She knew Cole wasn’t a monk, but the idea of him with anyone else hurt her in a way that she’d never felt before.

Sick to her stomach, she managed to prepare a pot of coffee and a meager breakfast of toast that she only picked at. She didn’t realize how long she’d been sitting at the table, staring into her half-empty coffee mug, until the front door opened.

Amber flinched, splashing coffee all over the table and her sweater.


The second his name was out of her mouth, she regretted it. No way did she need him to think that she’d been sitting around waiting for him.

“It’s me.” Josie’s voice rang out.

Josie? Shit. Of course.

Amber quickly swiped her hands over her hair and pushed up from the table to meet her friend. “Josie. Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” She pulled her into a hug and squeezed tight.

Amber wrapped her arms around her friend and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying the unexpected tears that threatened.

When she pulled away, Amber took a good look at her friend. She looked the same. Only better, and she told her so. “You’re early.” Amber led the way back into Josie’s kitchen. “I didn’t expect you until…” She glanced up at the stove and saw that it was already after ten.

“You didn’t expect me until now?” Josie laughed. “I’m actually very impressed that the flight was on time and I got out of there so fast. It was seamless. When is travel ever seamless?”

“Never.” Amber laughed. It was good to see Josie and it wasverygood to have her there to keep her out of her head so she couldn’t keep thinking about—

“Cole!” Josie turned in a circle and hollered her brother’s name again before she looked at Amber. “Where’s my big bro? Don’t tell me you chased him off.”
