Page 35 of Our Perfect Moment

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He nodded, the support of his little sister fueling him. “I’m not going to screw it up, but I might need your help.”


Amber assessedherself in the mirror and for at least the dozenth time questioned what she was doing. All she really wanted to do was curl up on the couch with a bottle of wine and feel sorry for herself. “Why am I doing this again?”

“Because it’s the First Frost Festival,” Josie called from the bathroom down the hall. “And it’s tradition. And you’re going to leave tomorrow and I won’t see you for ages.” She appeared in the door of the bedroom and Amber smiled. “And don’t forget, it’s mostly because you love me.”

“Of course I do.” Amber blew her friend a kiss and turned back to the mirror so she could tug at her way-too-short dress again. “But I don’t think this is the only way to prove that I’m your best friend and love you dearly.” She shook her head. “And I’m still not sold on this costume.” She grabbed her long red cloak and swung it around her shoulders. “I’m not sure Little Red Riding Hood was supposed to be so…”

“Smokin’ hot?” Josie laughed. “Maybe not. But you look great. I, on the other hand, look like an old hag.”

Josie did not look like an old hag, but shedidlook like a grandma. Little Red Riding Hood’s grandma to be exact. Amber couldn’t help but giggle a little at Cole’s sense of humor in choosing the costumes.

Earlier, when Josie came home with lunch, she’d also arrived with the costumes Cole had ordered, having run into him in town. But she hadn’t come home with Cole. He obviously didn’t want to see her. Whatever had happened between them over the last few days obviously hadn’t meant the same to him as it had to her. But she couldn’t let it bother her. Not tonight.

She’d promised Josie she would go to the Snow Ball with her, and have a great night. She couldn’t let her feelings about what was obviously not anything to begin with, affect that. One more night and she could get on with things, start her new job and settle into her new life. Besides, if Cole couldn’t be bothered to deliver the costumes himself, he wasn’t likely to show up at the ball anyway. One less thing she needed to worry about.

Amber adjusted her dress one last time and fluffed her hair, which cascaded in curls around her shoulders. “I do look good, don’t I?”

Josie laughed. “Good? You look hot. Like, really hot. Are you ready to do this?”

“Why not?” She linked arms with her best friend and forced a smile. “Let’s go have a great night.”

When they got to the party, it was already in full swing. A tent had been put up in the park next to the main town square, which was already packed with people in costume. Twinkle lights and giant snowflakes decorated the space, and it really did look like a winter wonderland. The night was chilly, but with so many people and the heaters throughout the tent, no one seemed to notice. Children ran around, squealing on their hopped-up sugar rushes as they darted from booth to booth, collecting candy just as if it were Halloween. The DJ was pumping tunes over the speakers and the dance floor was already full. The air was full of a festive fun, just as the rest of the weekend had been. Amber felt a stab of disappointment that Cole wasn’t with her to experience the climax of the First Frost Festival. It felt wrong somehow to be there without him.

“Did you talk to your brother?” Amber hoped the question came off casually.

“I did. When I got the costumes, remember?”

“Oh, right.” She was hoping she’d talked to him again. “And what was he doing today? I’m surprised he didn’t come by the house.”

“You are?” Josie eyed her.

“You’re not?” Amber was having a hard time trying not to look too interested. “I mean, he is here to see you, isn’t he? I hope he knows he can be at the house with me there. I mean, I don’t want to ruin your visit with him.”

“You’re not ruining a thing.” Josie squeezed her arm. “You know that, right?” Amber couldn’t help but feel that there was more to her question than she was letting on, but she didn’t know how much Josie knew or how much she wanted to know about things between her and Cole.

“I know that.” Amber smiled. “But please know I would never want my presence to interfere with your time with your brother, okay? I mean, if he feels awkward in any way because I’m here…well, I just want you to know that whatever reason…look, Josie.” She shook her head. She couldn’t keep quiet anymore. “I think there’s something you should know.” She hadn’t meant to say anything, but the more she stood there with her best friend, the more she knew that she needed to say something. Josie knew everything about her love life, or more accurately, lack thereof. If it had been anyone else, Amber would have already told her. But it wasn’t anyone else—it was Cole.


Just thinking about him left a weird sort of gaping hole in her heart.

“I know, Amber.” Josie’s voice was kind. “About you and Cole. I mean, I don’t know everything, but I do know that I’ve never seen my big brother as messed up as I saw him earlier. I mean, I’ve seen him screwed up by a woman before, but never like that. Not even close.”

Amber didn’t know whether hearing that should make her feel better or worse.

“And remember, I saw the way you swung that hammer.” Josie laughed. “I know pent-up feelings when I see them. I just never would have guessed that they were because of my big brother.” She shook her head and laughed. “That is completely new territory for me.”

“I know.” Amber grabbed Josie’s hand and pulled her aside to a small table where they wouldn’t be in the way of all the festivities. “And Josie, you need to understand when I tell you that I never intended for anything to happen. I mean, me and Cole…it’s…”


Amber nodded.


Amber nodded again.
