Page 36 of Our Perfect Moment

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A rush of air escaped Amber’s lungs as she almost collapsed into her friend. “Yes.”

Josie squealed and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. “I know, right? I mean, at first I wasn’t sure. But I think it was just the idea of everything that took me off guard. But the more I think about it, oh my God, yes. It makes perfect sense.”

Amber laughed a little. “It actually makes no sense at all. We’re total opposites in every way.”

Josie didn’t disagree but she didn’t agree either. Instead, she took Amber’s hands and squeezed.

“It doesn’t matter anyway.” Amber shook her head. “We argued and he said things and I said things and now…well…it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m leaving tomorrow to start my new job. I told you about that, right? I was offered the job at Wallace and McKwade, and even though I didn’t formally accept it, I kind of did and—”


“It is a good job, Josie.”

“I said congratulations.”

“It really is a great job.” She spoke to her friend, but she could no longer be sure of who exactly she was trying to convince. “It’s really everything I’ve ever wanted and most people would kill for such an offer.”

“I’m sure they would.”

“I should be thrilled. Celebrating. This is a job that anyone would be super lucky to get right out of school. It’s a huge deal, Josie.”

“I believe you.”

“I should be so happy.”

“But you’re not.”

She looked around the busy square filled with people, hoping upon hope to see Cole standing there waiting for her. “No,” she said softly. “I’m not.”

“You know what I think?”

Amber looked at her friend, hoping for some grand revelation.

“I think we need to dance.”

Amber laughed. “I actually can’t think of a better idea right now.”

She let Josie lead her through the crowd to the dance floor, where she pulled her into her arms. Amber laughed again. “We must look crazy,” she said. “Granny and Little Red Riding Hood dancing together.”

Josie spun her around before she pulled her back in for a dip. “We don’t look any crazier than anyone else here,” Josie said. “It’s a Halloween-themed Snow Ball, for God’s sake.”

“True.” Amber found herself laughing harder than she had in a long time as Josie continued to take the lead, swinging her and moving her around the dance floor. She spun her hard, extending her arm so it sent Amber spinning along the floor until a strong pair of arms caught her. Instantly, her body both simultaneously tensed and melted from relief. She looked up into the eyes of the Big Bad Wolf.

“My, what beautiful eyes you have.”

Cole held her tight,afraid Amber would slap him again. Or worse, bolt. Once he had her back in his arms, he had no intention of letting go. He could feel her body tense when he caught her. But she wasn’t pulling away.

Finally, she looked up into his eyes. “Isn’t that my line?”

He didn’t answer right away, choosing instead to move her slowly around the dance floor to the romantic lyrics of the latest Thomas Rhett song. “You do have beautiful eyes.”

“The better to see you with, my dear.”

Cole laughed. “That’smyline.”

She shrugged. “It’s an interesting costume choice.”
