Page 38 of Our Perfect Moment

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“I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that you two have sorted yourselves out.” Josie’s voice distracted him.

“Damn, little sis. You make a frighteningly good granny,” Cole said when he finally pulled himself away from Amber.

She smacked him on the arm. “I can rock whatever costume you give me.” She glanced between them. “But seriously.” Her face shifted back to one lined with concern. “Are you two good? Can we dance? I mean, youareboth here to see me, aren’t you?”

“Well, I don’t know—”

“Of course—”

They laughed as the DJ started playing a popular dance tune. Cole took them each by the hand and spun them around. As much as he wanted to get Amber alone, his sister wanted to party, and he owed her. There’d be plenty of time for him to get Amber alone later. Right now, he’d settle for having her hand in his, back where it belonged.


It waslate by the time they got back to Josie’s house. Her feet ached from hours of dancing, but Amber didn’t care. They’d had a great night, introducing Josie to Moon Juice and even decorating cupcakes that they then ate in a few bites. It had been a perfect night. When they got back to the house, Josie had offered to share her bed with Amber, but she’d done so with a laugh, because they all knew Cole would never let that happen.

After Josie retreated upstairs, together they’d created a makeshift bed on the floor from the couch cushions and a pile of quilts. It wasn’t the most comfortable bed she’d slept on, but she didn’t care because Cole’s arms were wrapped around her and she’d never been happier.

Except maybe when he suddenly flipped her so she lay on her back and looked up into his eyes.

“You were the most beautiful Little Red Riding Hood I’ve ever seen.” He kissed her nose. “And you were definitely the sexiest woman there tonight.”

“Is that right?”

“Oh, that’s right.” He kissed her again, only this time his kiss was more demanding, needing more. She moaned and closed her eyes, more than ready to take the kiss further. But as quickly as it started, it ended.

Amber snapped her eyes open and stared at him.

“I meant what I said earlier, Amber,” Cole said. “About writing our own story. We get to choose what happens next. Do you believe that?”

She nodded.

“I don’t know how…or…” He stopped himself with a shake of his head. “All I know is that I want to be with you.”

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I want to be with you.” She tugged him closer so she could kiss him. “Now.”

He didn’t need any more invitation than that, and this time when their lips came together, she kissed him with a need that had been building up since the night before. Amber slipped her hands up and over his hard, muscled back. She squeezed and pulled, needing him as close to her as she could get him.

“You’re very demanding.” He grinned a little as he pulled back.

“You have no idea.” She laughed.

“I like it.” He dropped his head to her neck where he nipped and licked the skin there. “A lot.”

Cole kept up the kisses and licks as he worked his way down to her breasts. His hot mouth on her bare skin fueled her. Everything about being with Cole was exciting. He woke feelings in her that she never knew she had.How had she gone her entire life and never felt the way she felt with him?

The litany of questions about their future together that she’d been suppressing all night tried to sneak its way to the forefront of her mind.Where were they going to live? What about her job? Would Cole move to Toronto for her? Did she want him to? What about Australia? What would her family say?

Before she could let herself go too far down that rabbit hole, a sharp sensation that straddled the line between pleasure and pain brought her back to the moment. Amber blinked hard and focused on Cole poised above her, one hand cupping her right breast, her nipple between two of his fingers.

“Stay with me,” he said simply. “Stay out of your head, Amber.”

He waited until she nodded and then sucked her nipple into his mouth, causing every other thought to be pushed straight out of her head. There wasn’t room for anything but the sensations tearing through her body.

She squirmed and her climax grew quickly and unexpectedly.

“Cole,” she whispered on a moan. “I need…” She didn’t bother to finish the sentence, letting her hand that had slid between them and found his hard cock do the talking instead. She squeezed and stroked, and a moment later, it was Cole who was doing the moaning.

“Dammit, woman.”
