Page 54 of Our Perfect Moment

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Despite what Colethought she needed, and what she would have expected herself was what she needed, the last thing she wanted to do was make plans for the future. At least, not until she knew how Cole really felt about her. Which was ridiculous, really, considering she’d been just as tight-lipped on her growing feelings for Cole.

Over the next few days, they both eagerly jumped into Christmas preparations with her family, and Amber managed to put Cole off every time he tried to bring up the topic of what would come next. Maybe if she could stall for some time, she’d have a little more clarity on how he felt about her. Because the one thing Amber did know was that despite her bravado and insistence that she wanted togo with the flow,when it came to Cole, it wasn’t going to be that easy. It was one thing to risk a job; it was a completely different thing to risk her heart.

“Are you ready for this?” Cole squeezed her hand in his. “You look a million miles away.”

Amber shook her head and focused on him. He was watching her with concern in his eyes as they walked toward the front door of Ian and Gwen’s house. It was the day before Christmas Eve and Ian had insisted on hosting a Christmas caroling party. It involved a karaoke machine and a song book. Some of her siblings loved the spotlight, that much was certain. But Amber wasn’t one of them. The last thing she wanted was anyone watching her while she tried to stay in tune belting out “Jingle Bells.”

“I’m here.” She smiled and turned to him. “And I’m really glad you’re here, too.” She meant it. Despite the underlying questions she’d been trying not to focus on, she’d enjoyed every minute with Cole. Being with him was so easy, and so completely opposite than her relationship had been with Randy. He made her stomach flip, and she no longer had to question whether or not she was falling for Cole.

She’d fallen. Hard.

“I’m really glad I’m here, too.” He kissed her then, right there in the middle of the street. Just like everything with Cole, it felt like magic. She could hardly believe that only a few months ago he wasn’t part of her daily life. Now, she couldn’t imagine her days without him. And that scared the hell out of her.

“And I am ready for this.” She gestured with her head toward the house. Tonight was the night that she was finally going to meet her half-brothers’ mother for the first time. Maureen McCormick had been the most affected by her husband’s betrayal all those years ago and despite the fact that logically Amber knew it wasn’t her fault, and Chelsea had already told her how warm and welcoming the woman was, she couldn’t help but think that the woman would hate her on sight. “I got myself so worked up about Ian and Mitch, and that turned out to be all for naught. They’re awesome.”

Cole nodded.

“I don’t know why I was so surprised. I mean, Cal and Declan have always been so…but Ian and Mitch were just so…” She laughed at herself. “I guess we’ve all changed quite a bit.” But not that much, because her heart was still going a mile a minute at the idea of coming face-to-face with Maureen in a moment.

“It’s going to be fine.” Cole kissed her again and pulled her into a tight hug. “No need to be nervous.”

Amber forced her breathing to slow as she snuggled deeper into his embrace.

“Are you two done making out yet?”

Despite the fact that they were definitely not making out, Amber and Cole pulled apart like teenagers caught out on the couch. Amber laughed when she saw Declan and Evie walking toward them.

“I’m never going to be done making out with her.” Cole pulled her close again and placed one last kiss on her lips that sent a thrill right to her core.

“Yeah, yeah,” Declan joked. “Save it for later. Let’s get in there.”

They fell into step with the other couple as Amber asked, “Where’s Jonah tonight? He’s going to miss out on all the singing.”

The other woman laughed. “He’s totally okay with that. He’s with his dad tonight. They’re having their celebration early so he can be with us tomorrow.”

Amber didn’t know much about the situation between Evie and her ex, but she’d heard that despite some rough patches, they were now in a good place as co-parents and had managed to make a difficult situation much better for Jonah.

Inside, the party had already started. The thing with a big family was that even if the guest list was limited to immediate family only, it still felt like a crowd. But in the best possible way. They’d only been inside a few minutes when a beautiful, older woman, who could only be Maureen McCormick, approached her.

Amber’s flight response kicked in. She glanced around for an escape route, but of course there wasn’t one. And even if there was one, she knew she wouldn’t take it. She couldn’t avoid the woman forever. Besides, there was no reason.

Except for her own nerves.

She forced herself to smile and not pull away when Maureen walked straight up and took Amber’s hands in hers, lifted them to her heart, and squeezed.

“I know this might be a little strange,” Maureen said. “But it really is so nice to finally meet you.”

There was so much warmth and acceptance in her voice, it took Amber off guard for a moment. This woman had every reason to hate her existence. She was proof of her husband’s long-running infidelity. Amber couldn’t even imagine the pain she must have gone through. Even more so, she couldn’t begin to comprehend the strength it must take to be so welcoming of her and Chelsea. Instantly, she felt a connection and great admiration for her brothers’ mother.

“Maureen, I…” Words escaped her, so she smiled genuinely instead. “You are…well, I’m just so glad to meet you and…well, I’m just so sorry.”

“Stop.” Maureen took on a stern, very motherly expression. “That’s the last I want to hear of that. The past is in the past and even so, it had nothing to do with you girls.”

“I know, but—”

“I don’t want to hear another word.” She tipped her head and stared at Amber until finally she smiled and nodded. “We’re family, okay?”
