Page 63 of Our Perfect Moment

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“It makes a mother’s heart happy,” Maureen continued, “to see her children find love the way you all have. Our family has expanded in all the best ways and I just wanted to take a moment to toast to the future that I’m sure will be filled with just as much love and excitement as today.” She raised her glass high and they all followed suit.

“To the—”

“What about you, Mom?”

Maureen’s face registered shock as Declan’s words hit her. She recovered quickly, but Cole didn’t miss the flash of pain that crossed her features.

She lowered her glass and looked to her son. “I think sometimes when you hit a certain age, you don’t worry about those things anymore.”

Cole didn’t know Maureen very well yet, but even he didn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. She was a woman with a lot of love to give, and she hadn’t been given a fair deal in life. No one should experience the type of heartbreak and betrayal she had.

“You know that’s not true,” Declan challenged her.

Beside him, Cal joined his brother and stood by his side. “It’s your turn, Mom.”

“It’s way past your turn,” Ian said from across the room. He, too, went to join his brothers.

It was then that Maureen started to look around. Her eyes landed on Mitch.

He grinned. “They’re right, Mom.” He left Jade’s side and joined his brothers. “Which is why we got you a little something.”

Her mouth formed a perfectOand she quickly raised her hand to cover it. “Oh, no.” She shook her head. “I meant what I said—my time has passed.”

Cole looked down to Amber, but she looked just as surprised as Maureen did. Whatever it was that was going on, it was between the McCormick brothers. The sisters didn’t know anything at all.

Declan stepped forward then and handed their mother an envelope. “I’m sorry it’s a little late, Mom. But we wanted to get you a little something.”

“You don’t have to open it now,” Mitch added quickly.

“In fact,” Ian jumped in. “Maybe wait until you’re alone.”

“And ready.” Cal smiled.

“Ready for what?” Maureen’s voice was shaky, but she took the envelope from Declan’s outstretched hand.

“For love, Mom,” he answered simply. “You deserve it.”

He pulled his mother into a hug then, and the other men joined in.

“What’s that all about?” Cole asked Amber, but she only shook her head and looked to Chelsea.

Chelsea smiled from across the room and quickly made her way over. “It turns out that Maureen was in love before Dad,” she started to explain quickly and in a hushed voice, although they appeared to be the only two people in the room who had no idea what was happening. “He was the love of her life, but she didn’t go with him when she had the chance. Something she always regretted. I think Declan finally tracked him down. His name is Adam. Anyway, Declan reached out and I think Adam wrote her a letter.”

“No way!” Amber looked from her sister to Maureen, who was once again holding her glass of champagne, albeit this time with a slight shake to her hand. “That’s so romantic.”

It was. And judging by the look on the older woman’s face, she thought so too.

“It’s almost time to countdown!” someone across the room called out, breaking the intensity of the moment. Someone else clinked on a glass and then everyone was counting.


Evie moved around quickly and topped up everyone’s glasses with champagne.


Cole slipped his hand into Amber’s and squeezed.

