Page 62 of Our Perfect Moment

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Cole looked over her shoulder for the first time and saw her entire family standing by with smiles on their faces, and tears in their eyes. He let his gaze travel over to where Cal stood with Milena. She had her hands clasped and held up to her mouth, but it was Cal who Cole focused on. He wasn’t sure what he’d see in the other man, but when they locked eyes, Cal nodded…and smiled.

Cole couldn’t help but laugh as he looked back to Amber. “I think maybe we could do that. It looks like your brothers might just accept me yet.”

Amber’s face screwed up in question, but before she could ask what he was talking about, he kissed her again.

“This is our perfect moment.” Her smile lit her up. “I love you, Cole.”

His heart flipped. If he heard those words a million times, it still wouldn’t be enough.

“Merry Christmas, my love.” The music had started up again, and because he wasn’t ready to share her yet, he pulled her back into his arms and twirled her once more around the dance floor.



“Really? You want me to find you a house?” Milena all but jumped up and down, her excitement clear. “You’re staying? For real?”

Amber laughed and gave her new friend a hug. The two women had become fast friends in the short time that Amber and Cole had been in Cedar Springs. Amber had very much enjoyed the time they’d spent together living in Cal and Milena’s house, but it was time to move on.

Especially if they were going to be staying.

And theyweregoing to be staying.

Cole’s proposal had been the most amazing, unexpected, and romantic thing that had ever happened to her. It wasn’t until the day after Christmas that they’d had a chance to sit down together and properly discuss what sharing a life together was going to look like. To Amber’s surprise, and complete joy, their thoughts weren’t too far off, but the biggest similarity was also the most important—as long as they were together, they’d make anything work.

“Wearegoing to stay,” Amber said as together they surveyed the living room of Cal and Milena’s house where the New Year’s party was to be held. “But we can’t afford much,” she added quickly. “At least not yet.”

“I think it’s so exciting,” Milena said again. “You are going to love it here. I just know it.”

“I already love it. Besides, I had no idea this town was in such desperate need of an accountant.” It hadn’t taken Amber long to discover that with only one local accountant in town, and a growing economy with more and more businesses opening every day, her skills were in high demand. There was a lot to do to prepare, but as soon as the New Year’s celebrations were over, she planned to take the necessary steps to start up her own business. For the first time in a very long time, Amber was excited about working. She knew it would take a lot of effort, but Cole was on board, and it wasn’t as if she’d be working herself to the bone for a giant corporation this time; it was for herself. And that made all the difference in the world.

“Thank goodness you’re setting up shop.” Milena handed her a party hat before selecting one for herself. “You’re going to be turning away business, for sure. And what about Cole? Has he decided what to do?”

“I absolutely have.” Cole appeared and slid one arm around Amber’s waist. He pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’m going to offer tours.” He grinned.


“Snowmobiles in the winter and ATVs in the summer,” Cole explained. “I’ll start out small, and hopefully be able to expand in no time.”

“I actually think that’s a great idea. This town is booming in a way I’ve never seen before and I bet the tourists will love something like that.”

“That’s our hope.”

Cole squeezed Amber tighter and she all but melted against him. Everything was happening so quickly, but it was happening. They had a lot of plans, but a lot of things were still up in the air, and as unusual as that was for Amber, she actually kind of liked it. Because as long as Cole was her constant, she would be fine.

It was funny how much things could change.

“Are you guys ready out here?” Cal appeared in the door to the kitchen and held a bottle of wine aloft. “I thought we could have a glass of wine before everyone got here.”

“Too late!” They all turned toward the front door and Declan, who stood in a small crowd with the rest of the McCormick clan. “Let’s get this party started.”

“I’d like to make a toast.”

The entire room fell quiet, which was quite a feat for the McCormick clan. Cole instinctively slipped his arm around Amber. Any excuse to hold her close. He snuck her a kiss before turning to look at Maureen McCormick, the matriarch of the family, who’d raised a glass of champagne.

“Just before we ring in the new year,” she said. “I wanted to propose a toast to you all. My sons…” She looked at each of the boys in turn, giving them all a little smile. “And you girls, too. I know it hasn’t been easy, but you two also feel like family to me.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “It’s incredible that in such a short time I can love you both as if you were my own.”

Next to him, Cole heard Amber sniff back a tear. He knew she felt the same.
