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Fortunately, she was saved from becoming a blubbering idiot over the effect Drew’s homecoming was having on her when his mother turned toward her, a warm smile, very much like Drew’s, lighting her deep brown eyes. "And you must be Hope." She took Hope's hands in hers, squeezing gently. "Welcome to Lone Oaks."

"Thank you, Mrs. Blackwood. I appreciate you having me."

"Please call me Anna," she insisted.

Because she couldn't help herself, Hope returned Anna's smile and nodded. "Yes, ma'am." Drew had been right. She hadn't been here ten minutes, and already his mother had made her feel welcome with no more than a smile.

Somewhere in her mid to late fifties, Anna Blackwood could easily have passed for a woman ten years younger. Although by no means overweight, she was full-figured with a short cap of dark hair liberally threaded with silver, and laugh lines fanning out from the corners of her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"I'm Zach," the boy who opened the door piped up. "Alex is helping my dad with the chores at the barn."

Hope extended her hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Zach," she returned as they shook. He was a handsome little guy with a face like an angel and devilish blue eyes nearly identical to his uncle's. "I'm Hope."

"Where's Gramps?" Drew asked Zach.

"With Dad and Alex. I wanted to go, too, but they said I needed to stay here with Gram," he lamented in the way only a put-upon five-year-old can.

"Be glad you were assigned indoor duty. It's getting pretty cold out there."

"I like the cold."

"Of course you do. But if you were outside right now, I wouldn't get to do this.” Drew hefted Zach, turning him upside down and tickling him mercilessly.

In between fits of giggles, Zach pleaded halfheartedly for Drew to stop.

"Okay. Okay," Anna intervened after a few more squeals. A smile of pure delight spread across her face as well as her grandson's. "C'mon into the family room."

Drew tossed Zach over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and followed his mother, then he unceremoniously dumped the boy onto the smaller of the two leather sofas.

"Are you hungry?" Anna asked, her gaze darting between Drew and Hope. "I've got some homemade bread and leftover roast beef. I could make you a sandwich."

"Thank you, but we ate not too long ago," Hope answered, glancing at Drew, who nodded his agreement.

"Well, at least let me get you both something to drink. Tea okay?"

"Water is fine for me, thanks,” Hope replied.

With a nod, Anna turned her attention to Drew. "How about you?"

"Tea's good. But I can get it."

"Don't be silly. Take off your coats and get comfortable. I'll be right back."

Once they were rid of their jackets and he'd tossed them over the parson's bench in the foyer, Drew and Hope sat on the sectional sofa facing the fire. About a foot separated them. "You okay?" Drew asked, his voice low.

Hope nodded. "You were right," she whispered. "Your mom is very welcoming."

"Told you."

"Don't rub it in."

He flashed her a grin that had Hope's stomach plunging to her knees. "Hopefully, her reception eased your worries some."

It did. The last thing Hope wanted was to be a burden. She knew it was still early in her visit, and she'd only met his mother and nephew, but her anxieties had lessened significantly.

Of course, having Drew nearby didn't hurt anything either.

Anna returned with their drinks. "The truck just pulled up, so the evening chores must be finished."
