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"Yippee!" Zach squealed as he hopped off the couch. "I'm gonna tell Dad and Alex that it's my turn to help with the chores tomorrow."

Before he could zip past his grandmother, Anna held out an arm, pulling him up short against her legs. "Let your daddy get in the door before you assault him."

"Oh, Gram."

Within thirty seconds, two men about the same height and build, along with a pint-sized version, walked into the large country kitchen that overlooked the great room. They hadn't gotten three steps in before Zach wiggled free of his grandmother's hold and hurtled toward them. "Uncle Drew's here!"

A smile eased into Drew's lightly stubbled cheeks as he stood to greet his father, brother, and oldest nephew.

"I was hoping that was your truck out there," the older of the two men said as he clasped Drew's hand, pulling him in for a one-armed hug and a hearty pat on the back. "Otherwise, I might have had to sedate your Mama. She was up before dawn waiting for you to get here," he teased with a wink in Anna's direction.

"If my memory serves, you were up pretty early yourself, Eli Blackwood," Anna countered, clearly not about to be bested by her husband.

His blue eyes—the same piercing blue as Drew's—twinkled playfully. "I'm up early every morning, darlin'," he reminded her.

"Notthatearly," Anna pointed out, her dark eyes sparkling with a glimmer of their own.

"Well, I'm sure this young lady here isn't interested in what time we all got up this morning."

"That's Uncle Drew's girlfriend," Zach announced before his grandfather had a chance to introduce himself. "Her name's Hope."

It was the second time in less than ten minutes Zach had referred to Hope as "Uncle Drew's girlfriend." Although the innocent perception of a five-year-old, the inaccuracy of the description still made Hope uncomfortable, and she wondered when Drew would set the record straight with his family.

“Hello, Hope. I’m Eli, Drew’s father.” Eli Blackwood's large work-calloused hand swallowed Hope's smaller one in a hearty shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he added with a smile that warmed his eyes by several degrees.

"Same here," Hope replied, her gaze encompassing Drew's parents. "I really appreciate you opening your home to me on such short notice. I hope I'm not causing you any trouble."

"Not at all." Eli squeezed her hand before releasing it. "We're happy to have you."

"That's right," Anna agreed, stepping up beside her husband.

"Are you a horse doctor like Uncle Drew?" the older of Drew's nephews asked as he shouldered his way between the adults and his little brother.

Hope nodded. "I sure am." Her gaze lowered to meet another pair of those dazzling blue eyes she decided to describe as Blackwood blues, since everyone but Anna seemed to have them. "We work together in Kentucky."

"With horses?"

"Every day."

"We have horses here."

"Millions," Zach added.

"Shut up, doofus," Alex shot back. "Nobody has millions of horses."

"You shut up," Zach countered.

"She was talking to me, anyhow," Alex pointed out.

"She didn't say your name."

"Doesn't matter. She was looking at me."

"I can still answer if I want to."

"Boys," a deep voice from behind them spoke, the tone a clear warning. "That's enough." The order brooked no argument, and even though Alex and Zach still gave each other blistering looks, neither said another word.

Though the man had come in with Eli and Alex, he hung back during the welcoming and introduction period. Not wanting to join in, it appeared, until the boys started neglecting their manners and forced his hand.

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