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Reese shook his head. "No. You can thank her tomorrow when you see her."

Nodding, both boys hid their disappointment as they sat on the floor to pull on their boots. Jumping up, they grabbed their coats, zipping themselves into them with quick precision. "You gonna let her sleep on the couch all night, Uncle Drew?"

"Probably not," he answered and didn't miss the faint grin barely touching his brother's lips.

"Well, when she wakes up, tell her thanks for the grilled cheese and mac and cheese."

"And for letting us help decorate the tree," Alex added.

"Will do," Drew promised.

"C'mon, boys," Reese prompted, holding open the door.

"Wait. We have to take this box of ornaments to Gram's." Hefting it, Alex carried it past his father with Zach scrambling after him.

Tugging his hat farther down on his head, Reese shot Drew a rusty grin. "When she wakes up, be sure to thank Hope for me, too, Uncle Drew."

Chapter Twelve

Drew debated whether to risk waking Hope by moving her to the more comfortable bed or leave her to continue sleeping on the sofa. Since he needed to wash the muck off from O'Malley's, Drew opted for the latter. If she was still asleep when he finished, he'd decide what to do then.

The hot stinging jets of the shower gloriously pelted the aching muscles in his shoulders and back. Pulling a foal was never an easy task, but it became brutal when trying to pull one from a weakened mare who'd already expended most of her energy trying to deliver on her own.

Drew wished they'd been successful in stopping her labor and giving the foal a few more weeks to develop in utero. But like his grandfather said, they'd saved the mare. He just hoped she came through the next forty-eight hours without any complications.

Shutting off the taps, Drew stepped out of the shower and quickly toweled himself dry. Under different circumstances, like if he were alone or going straight to bed, a pair of boxer briefs would suffice. No problem. But he wasn't alone, and as inviting as the bed looked, his growling belly overruled his need for sleep.

Drew pulled on a pair of flannel sleep pants and a clean tee-shirt before emerging from the bedroom. Hope was still asleep, curled in the same position with her hand resting on her belly. His heart filled, swelling inside his chest. Drew resisted the urge to gather Hope in his arms. Just to hold her. Protect her. Confess how much she meant to him.

And always would.

But after the full day she'd had trudging through uneven terrain searching for the perfect tree and then wrangling two rambunctious little boys, she needed her rest more.

So, Drew headed to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge, deciding the quickest and quietest supper he could prepare was between two slices of bread. Grabbing the supplies, he slapped together three thick sandwiches of bologna, ham, and salami topped with tomato, lettuce, and mayo.

Once he poured himself a glass of milk, Drew carried his plate to the small table and sat down to devour his makeshift dinner. He'd just polished off the last bite of his third sandwich and was carrying his dishes to the sink when Hope shrieked.

"Boys!" Scrambling to her feet, her eyes wide with panic, she frantically looked around the room searching for his nephews. Her hair was smushed down on one side of her head and a sleep mark creased her right cheek. Drew had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

"Reese took them home about an hour ago," Drew enlightened her.

Releasing a huge sigh, Hope patted her palm against her breastbone as if the gesture might calm down what Drew suspected was a galloping heart. "I'm so sorry. We sat down to watch a movie after we finished eating, and I must have conked right out." She rolled her eyes. "Reese was probably horrified."

Drew wiped his hands on the dishrag and draped it over the neck of the faucet. "The boys were fine," he assured her. "In fact, they made sure we didn't make any noise to wake you when we came in."

"At least I managed to feed them before passing out."

"Yeah, we heard all about the mac and cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches."

"Their favorites," Hope explained.

"The favorites of almost every kid in the world, I imagine."

"Were they yours?"

He gave a half shrug. "I was more partial to the mac and cheese. Especially Grandma's. But don't dare tell my mother I said that."

Hope drew a cross over her heart with her forefinger. "Your secret's safe with me," she promised. "How'd the call go?"
