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A definite concern, for sure. One Drew wrestled with more than a few times over the years. "Hope has a rule about dating the men she works with,” he answered. “She doesn't."

"Rules are made to be broken, boy."

Yes, they certainly were. The baby Hope carried was proof positive of exactly how well aware Drew was on the matter. "Shedidagree to come here with me."

"That she did," Pops agreed as he drove under the iron Lone Oaks arch.

"But it’s all still new territory. So behave yourself, old man."

Zeke laughed, a deep and rumbling sound from low in his gut. "I don't think it's me you're gonna need to worry about. I imagine your Mama and Grandmama are already abuzz with plans."

Yeah, Drew had no doubt about that.

When Pops pulled up in front of the ranch house, Reese was getting out of his pickup. “Y'all been on a call?" he asked as the three of them met in between the trucks.

Zeke nodded. "Yeah. Preterm foal at O'Malley's." He clapped Drew on the back. "My old bones are tired. See you boys tomorrow."

As their grandfather ambled toward the back door, Drew turned to Reese. "I left Hope with the boys. They were helping her decorate the tree."

"They probably worried the hair off her, Drew. You shoulda brought 'em back to the main house."

"Funny. She was worried you wouldn't feel comfortable having them stay with her since you only met her a few days ago."

Reese toed the gravel beneath his boot and shook his dark head. "I figure she must be okay if you brought her here all the way from Kentucky.”

Their gazes locked. "She is."

"I know you said you asked her to come with you because her daddy recently passed and it would be her first holidays without him, but I have a feeling there's a little more to it than that."

With anyone else, Drew would adamantly deny anything more than a friendship existed between him and Hope. But this was Reese. His big brother and Irish twin. Growing up, they'd been each other's sounding board and confidant. Sure, the years Drew was away at college and working at Wakefield put somewhat of a strain on their bond, but nothing could sever it completely.

Just like there was no way Drew could lie to Reese about his feelings for Hope. So he didn't even try.

"Yeah. There is." Drew wanted to tell Reese about the baby, but he’d promised Hope they'd wait till the time was right. With their relationship still tenuous at best, Drew didn't want to run the risk of upsetting her.

"Are you in love with her?"

That was a damn good question. "She matters to me, Reese. More than any other woman ever has." Drew plowed his fingers through his hair. "Is that love? I don't know. All I do know is that I can't imagine my life without her in it."

Reese clapped a hand on Drew's shoulder, and the raw pain shadowing his brother's eyes floored him. But it was Reese’s words that totally gutted him. "Then don't waste precious time, Drew. If there's one thing I've learned in the last year, it's that."

When they stepped inside the basement, Alex rounded the sofa in his stocking feet and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh!" he whispered, then pointed to the couch where Hope was curled on her side, her right hand tucked beneath her cheek, and her left resting on what Drew knew was the gentle swell of her belly.

The sight alone took his breath away.

And in that moment, he knew. He was in love with Hope Logan. Completely and irrevocably. Now and forever.

He wondered if she might ever feel the same way.

To keep her from waking up to find all of them staring at her, Drew beckoned Reese and the boys into the kitchen. "How long has she been asleep?"

"Well, the movie's almost over, and she didn't even make it through the first song. Why? Didja want us to keep her awake?"

Drew chuckled. "No. I appreciate you guys letting her sleep. She's been kinda tired lately." And after traipsing through the snow to pick out a tree and then spending the rest of the afternoon decorating it with his nephews, she had to be exhausted.

"Boys, get your coats and boots. We need to get back to the main house before Gram sends out a search party for us."

"Want us to wake Hope up so we can thank her and tell her goodbye?" Zach's blue eyes were hopeful.
