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"I was gonna buy you lunch," Drew reminded his father.

Eli grinned. "Consider it my first Father's Day gift."

Father’s Day. Drew shook his head, literally and figuratively, as the reality of becoming a father sank in a little deeper. Anxiety snaked through him, intensifying his initial worries and concerns considerably. Those feelings and emotions combined with the conversation he needed to have with Hope looming ahead only served to wreak havoc on his already overloaded nervous system.

“I’m scared to death,” Drew confessed once they were inside the truck. And he was. About becoming a father, for sure, but also about his future with Hope as more than the mother of his child.

“I’d like to tell you it’ll get better, but that’s what love does to us mere mortal men, son. It scares the living hell out of us. But I can also tell you I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”

Neither would he, Drew realized.

And with any luck, Hope would feel the same way.

Chapter Fifteen

Tess had timed her invitation to go Christmas shopping perfectly. Since Anna had left, Hope had been strung tighter than a drum as she vacillated between calling Drew about his mother's visit, seeking solace from Sarah, or just waiting until he returned. Fortunately, Tess's call provided Hope a much-appreciated diversion.

Once Tess arrived, they drove about fifty miles south to a huge indoor mall where they combed nearly every store for the gifts needed to edge them closer to their Christmas shopping finish line. After a second trip to the car to stow their purchases, Tess suggested grabbing a late lunch. Starving, Hope readily agreed.

"I don't know about you, but I've made some serious progress on my Christmas shopping," Tess said as soon as the waitress dropped off their drinks and left with their orders.

Hope nodded. "Me too." In fact, she'd practically finished. Well, except for Drew. Funny how the person she knew best in Virginia was the hardest to shop for. Oh, she'd found some little things, mostly stocking stuffers, like a pair of work gloves, some socks, and his favorite candy. Other than that, she was kind of at a loss.

Maybe Tess would have an idea. "I'm not sure what to buy Drew, though. What do you get Jack?"

"Oh, we just do silly things. Like one time, I gave him a subscription for printer ink since he's always running out. Last year, I arranged to have his car serviced on a regular basis because he gets all involved in his writing and forgets to take care of everyday stuff like that."

"So, more practical gifts."

"Yeah. Nothing to write home about." Tess took a sip of her iced tea. "But you and Drew have a different kind of relationship than Jack and I have."

"What do you mean?" Except for Thanksgiving dinner and today, Hope had never seen Tess without Jack or vice versa.

"Well, since we spent at least forty minutes oohing and aahing over baby clothes, toys, and accessories, I'm guessing you and Drew have an intimate relationship." Tess shook her head. "Though we've known each other forever, Jack and I are just friends."

"Really?" Hope found this revelation quite interesting.

Tess furrowed her brow and gave Hope a side-eye. "Yeah, really."

"So, you two have never—"

"No," Tess interrupted, shaking her head emphatically. "Not ever. Eww.”

Interesting, since Hope would have sworn there was more between them than friendship. Guess that's what happens when two people of the opposite sex have been friends since childhood.

Fortunately, the waitress arrived with their lunch before Hope could put her foot in her mouth again.

"So, back to your original question about what to get Drew for Christmas. Have the two of you never exchanged gifts before?"

"Not really. At work, everyone pitched in, and we adopted a family in need for Christmas." Though Hope had confided in Tess about the baby, she hadn't gone into detail about all the hows and whys.

"The two of you haven't been together for any holidays until now?"

"Aside from the baby connection and a pretty intense mutual attraction, I'm not sure we're what you'd call together now." Hope dredged a fry through her puddle of ketchup. "It's a long story involving devastating news and self-medicating with a bottle of tequila to dull the pain."

"Been there. Done that. On multiple occasions."

"But without getting pregnant in the process, I assume."
