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"Thankfully, no." Her eyes widened. "Not that you aren't thankful or—"

"It's okay. I get it," Hope interjected. She didn't want Tess to berate herself unnecessarily. "Of course, things would be considerably less complicated if either of us had given any thought to using protection." Hope chuckled humorlessly. "I found out at an annual checkup for work. I was already through the first trimester and didn't suspect a thing."

"You had a lot going on with your father, though."

Hope nodded. "Yeah." Still do, she thought, cringing at the memory of the financial mess still awaiting her in Kentucky. "One of the biggest reasons I agreed to come home with Drew was so everywhere I looked or everyone I talked to wouldn't be a constant reminder of my dad. Not that I don't want to remember him; I just needed some time and space to work through all the emotions."

"That makes perfect sense." Tess squeezed Hope's hand. "Has being here helped?"

"In that regard, yes."


"But when we left in November to come here, my plan was to return to Kentucky after the new year, refreshed and ready to tackle everything I left behind."

"And now?"

"Obviously, it's something I still need to do. But after being here with Drew, so much has changed."

"Like what?"

"Like...everything." Hope drew in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "So far, we've acted and reacted but haven't actually talked in depth. At first, we did, but since being at Lone Oaks, we've just kind of decided to let things happen and see where they went."

"Are you happy about where things are between the two of you?"

"That's just it, Tess. I'm not sure where we are exactly." Sighing, Hope sat back against the cushioned booth. "Anna came to see me this morning, and we had a similar conversation. She said it was high time Drew and I talked through this. I know she's right, but what if we end up wanting different things?"

"I wish I had an answer for you, Hope, but Anna's right. The two of you need to talk this out. And chances are you will want some different things. But that's life."

"I have no idea how to even start the conversation with him."

"So many unknowns."


Thoughtfully, Tess finished her iced tea. "Maybe the best place to start is to figure out what you want to happen between the two of you and go from there."

Much easier said than done, Hope feared.

By the time they returned to Lone Oaks, the temperature had dipped below freezing and snow flurries began to spiral to the ground. "How much farther do you have to go to get home?" Hope asked as she gathered her packages.

"Not far. I live on the other side of Lake Sheridan. Won't take me ten minutes to get home."

"Good," Hope replied. "Thanks so much for today, Tess. I really enjoyed myself."

"Me too. Hopefully, we can hit some of the after-holiday sales."

Hope smiled. "I'd like that."

"Good luck with your talk."

"Thanks. Be careful going home."

"Will do." Tess winked and put the SUV in drive as soon as Hope shut the passenger door.

As Tess drove off, Hope went inside. Rather than leaving her shopping bags by the door, she carried the packages to the bedroom, stowing all but one in the closet before returning to the kitchen. She set the purchase on the counter and removed her coat, securing it on one of the pegs by the door.

Thirsty, she poured herself a glass of milk and took a long sip. Then she dug into the shopping bag, pulling out half a dozen gender-neutral infant outfits, three pairs of the teensiest shoes ever, and a beautiful stuffed horse from Tess. Hope couldn't wait for Drew to see everything.
