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Not that she seemed the least bit bothered about coming in last when the four of them met in front of Chace’s truck. Together, they made their way to the gated entrance, where a welcoming committee of five characters from a holiday book or movie awaited.

“Welcome to Morningstar Farm,” an adult version ofThe Grinch’sCindy Lou Who greeted them, ushering them into an open space that branched off in two directions—one to the tree area and the other toward the Winter Wonderland. She handed them a detailed map of the entire farm. “Where would you like to begin?”

“Does it matter?” Chace asked.

“Not really, but if you’re also selecting a tree today, I’d suggest doing that first so it can be prepared while you visit the wonderland.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.”

“Perfect,” Cindy Lou Who replied with a toothy smile, and led them to the left, handing them off to a teenage elf.

“Good morning, everyone. I’m Patrick, and I am pleased to welcome you to the Field of Trees. Is there a particular kind you’re looking for today?”

Chace knew Christmas trees came in many varieties, but as to which ones were which or best, he had no idea. Therefore, he deferred to Holly. “What do you think?”

Eyes wide, Holly shrugged and shook her head. “I’m not sure, but I think my parents always get Douglas firs.”

Funny how on all their previous expeditions to find the perfect tree, they never considered the variety, only the appearance. Guess at the Field of Trees, it made a difference. Chace shifted his attention back to a smiling Patrick the Elf. “Right this way.”

The four of them followed him down a trail to a section specifically labeled Douglas firs. Patrick handed Chace a numbered red card. “Tag the tree you want and bring the bottom portion back to me at the hut. We’ll cut and prepare it for transport while you wait or for pickup later if you want to visit the rest of the farm.”

After thanking the elf, Chace tucked the ticket in the back pocket of his jeans and turned to face the twins. “Okay. We’re looking for something about this much taller than me.” He held his hands out to measure about eight to ten inches, figuring something around seven feet should suffice.

They wound their way through the poker-straight rows, inspecting, considering, and rejecting nearly a hundred trees before finally settling on one they all agreed was perfect. “You’re sure?” he asked before retrieving the tag.

Nods accompanied by a chorus of “We’re sure” followed.

After attaching the tag, Chace pulled out his phone and beckoned them to join him. “C’mon, we need a picture to commemorate the event.”

“What’scamemeratemean?” Emme needed to know.

“To celebrate or make a note of,” Holly supplied, English teacher that she was.

“Oh. I get it.”

“Good, now come on over here.” He waved his hand toward where he stood.

Happy to comply, the twins grabbed Holly’s hand and dragged her forward, where Chace tucked her into his side and positioned the twins in front of them before extending his other arm to angle the camera down on all four of them. “Okay. On three, everyone smile pretty. One, two, three…”

“Cheese!” the girls yelled, and Chace snapped the picture.

“Can we go to the Winter Wonderland now?” Wren pleaded as Emme bounced on her toes, her big blue eyes hopeful.

“You bet.”

Theton bet had barely sounded before the twins squealed in delight and took off in the direction they had just come.

“Do they ever walk?”

“They’re seven,” Holly said as if that should explain everything. “Plus, they’re excited about the prospect of having more fun.”

With his arm still around her waist, Chace looked down at Holly. “I’m not seven, but I still get excited about the prospect of having fun.” He tugged on one of her braids descending from under the beanie hat she wore. “Don’t you?”

“Of course.” She smiled at him with a velvety warmth that heated him from the inside out.

If it were ten years ago, Chace would have taken this opportunity to capture Holly’s lips in a kiss. Hell, if it were yesterday, he would most likely be kissing her senseless right now. But after their conversation this morning, Chace realized he needed to exercise patience with Holly.

Take baby steps over the next three weeks, because rushing to the finish line may very well work to his disadvantage. Plus, he needed a game plan.
