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Surprisingly, despite the few hours of sleep she was getting the past few nights, Holly was not even close to feeling exhausted. If anything, she felt more energized and invigorated rather than less. She probably had the feel-good endorphins generated from those multiple orgasms Chace was responsible for wringing out of her to thank for that.

Plus, she always slept like the dead after he’d rocked her freaking world.

For the first time in a long time, Holly had no desire to hit the snooze button on her alarm in the morning. In fact, she no longer set it because Chace had his own unique way of awakening her with his light-as-a-feather kisses. Or soft nibbles on her flesh as his big, strong, and very skillful hands worked their magic over the most sensitive parts of her body.

And, of course, like this morning when he’d carried her to the shower to make good use of the mistletoe.

“You’ve got that faraway look in your eyes again,” Taylor observed from the doorway.

Yeah, Holly supposed she did. She only hoped she wasn’t also drooling over the papers on her desk. To be sure, she swiped at her mouth and chin, grateful to find both of them dry. “You heading out?” she asked, since the bell had rung to dismiss the students over half an hour ago.

“Yeah. I’m meeting my brothers for an early dinner and to do some Christmas shopping for our grandparents, since the old farts refused Levi and Cole’s offer to help them downsize from the farm into something smaller and easier to manage.”

Lottie and Lewis Cole had raised Taylor and her brothers after their parents perished in a freak boating accident while celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary. All three children were under the age of six at the time.

But like always, Lottie and Lew rose to the occasion to provide the best life possible for their grandchildren. That’s why it was no surprise that their successful grandsons wanted to use the wealth they’d acquired, Levi in the tech field and Cole as a major league baseball player, by ensuring their grandparents’ retirement was physically and financially more manageable.

It was equally unsurprising that the recently turned octogenarians had turned them down flat.

“Do you have any ideas?”

Taylor rolled her eyes. “Hell no.” She shook her head. “They have everything they need or want. And anything that would lighten their load, they refuse. Stubborn old coots.”

“What about a trip? Any place they’d like to visit or tour?”

“The only trips they take for enjoyment are usually on a bus for the day. They like going to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for theSight and Soundshows. Or to festivals celebrating everything from honey to buckwheat to cherry blossoms.”

“Then get them an open-ended season pass with a tour bus group or groups they can use at will.”

“That’s a great idea.”

“And what might be even better is for the three of you to join them for at least one of them.”

“Have you met my brothers? If no computer is involved, Levi will likely short-circuit. And Cole? If there’s no ball to throw, catch, or kick, fuhgettaboutit. Plus, since he retired, he’s too busy planning his mini resort.”

Yeah, Holly had heard murmurings around Hickory Ridge about that. It sounded interesting.

“So, back to what—or should I say who—you were thinking about a few minutes ago. I take it things are still working out.”

“Yep. So far.”

Taylor narrowed her gaze. “That sounds like you’re not expecting it to continue.”

“Just a little apprehensive about getting my hopes up, I guess.”


Holly shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably because it doesn’t seem real.”

“What do you mean?” Stepping inside, Taylor let the door close behind her.

“Well, we’re both still staying at Lyss’s. Taking care of the twins. Doing stuff like we’re a family.”

“Youarea family.”

“No.” Holly shook her head. “They’rea family.”

Taylor made a face. “You’re just as much a part of that family as he is, Holly.”
