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“It’s only been a week, and he only asked for three,” she pointed out, obviously taking the role of devil’s advocate seriously.

“To give you both a chance to see if there was a possibility for more,” Taylor countered, lifting a brow. “Is there?”

Holly drew in a deep breath. “I want there to be.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“That the perfect little bubble we’ve created will burst. Either when Lyss comes home, and it’s just the two of us without the twins. Or after the holidays are over. Or his job sends him to God knows where.” She let out a heavy sigh. “Or it’s just a freaking Tuesday afternoon, and he realizes he was better off without me.”

“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”

Yeah, it was. But that didn’t mean it still didn’t scare the shit out of her. “You asked.”

“Yeah. I sure did.” Tapping her chest, Taylor grinned. “My bad.”

Holly laughed and pushed herself out of the chair. “So where are you going to eat?” she asked, deftly changing the subject.

“Who knows? It’s Cole’s turn to pick, so probably somewhere with ten thousand televisions and a different sporting event on each one.” Her eyes lit up. “Hey, you could come along. Give me someone to talk to while Levi writes code on his phone and Cole is glued to the TV screen.”

“I like sports too.”

Taylor rolled her eyes. “Okay.” She moved toward the door and opened it before turning back to Holly. “Do me one favor, will ya?”

“If I can.”

“Don’t borrow trouble by worrying about things you can’t control anyway.”

Good advice. Just not so easy to follow. “I’ll do my best.”

* * *

“Guess what?!”was the first thing Holly heard when she opened the door and was rushed by twin tornadoes.

“Daddy was hurt in an explosion.”

“But he’s gonna be all right.”

“Yeah, he just needs to stay there a little longer to make sure everything’s fixed good as new.”

“And he’s got a lot of cuts and bruises, ‘specially on his face.”

“But Mommy’s taking good care of him.”

As each one took her turn relaying the details of their video chat, all Holly could do was nod and shift her gaze to whichever twin was speaking. When they paused, Holly looked up to find Chace leaning against the arch between the family room and kitchen, his arms folded across his chest, a towel slung over his shoulder, and a grin on his ridiculously handsome face.

“Hi, honey,” he greeted her. “Welcome home.”

Wren tugged on the hem of Holly’s shirt to snatch back her attention. “Did you know Daddy was in the hospital, Aunt Holly?”

Unsure how to answer, she looked to Chace for guidance.

He simply nodded.

“Yes. I did. But…” Now what?
