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“I guess that also means you didn’t believe me the other night when I assured you that I have a choice in the jobs I accept. Or refuse.”

“I believed what you said. I just—”

“Don’t think I’ll actually turn down the assignments I’m offered.”

Holly shook her head. “Not if they put pressure on you.”

“That’s not how the Steele brothers work.”

“I’m not just talking about the Steele brothers.”

“You don’t think I can refuseyourbrother.”

“I grew up with him, Chace. I know how tenacious he can be when he wants something.”

Chace angled his body to face her and reached across the bed for her hand. “So can I,” he assured her. “More than anything, I want you to let me back in your life for the long haul.” He pulled her toward him. “And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

Hope bloomed in every cell of Holly’s body. But were his words enough?

“Just give me the chance, Holly. Please.”

She wanted to. God, how she wanted to—not just to give him butthema chance. She didn’t want to borrow trouble, always waiting for the other shoe to drop or expecting the worst. No, Holly wanted to trust this man and his promises. To believe in him.

And to love him with her whole heart.

She looked into his beautiful dark eyes and swore she could see their future. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, Holly cupped his cheek in her hand and nodded. “Okay,” she murmured. “But please don’t give me any reason to regret it.”

“Deal,” Chace promised, his mouth inches from hers when Holly’s phone vibrated on the nightstand.

Holly put her hands on his chest to stop his forward momentum. “I should check that,” she said, stretching across the bed and plucking the cell off the charger. When her eyes fell on the screen, her heart stopped cold.


An ominous feeling of foreboding began to smother her, stealing the oxygen from her lungs and burning a hole in her gut. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Holly met and held Chace’s questioning eyes with hers as she greeted her brother. “Hello, Alex.”

“I’m trying to reach Chace, and he’s not answering his cell. Is he with you?”

She didn’t even blink. She didn’t think she could. “Yes. He’s here.”

“I need to talk to him. It’s urgent.”

Those eight words ripped the first hole in her heart. “Just a minute.” Lowering the phone from her ear, Holly never broke eye contact with Chace. “My brother’s impeccable timing is uncanny, isn’t it?” Climbing off the bed, Holly extended the phone to Chace. “You probably shouldn’t keep your boss waiting.”


When he didn’t take the phone, she tossed it on the bed and turned to leave. Only Chace was faster. He lunged across the bed and grabbed hold of her wrist, halting her retreat with a gentle tug before slamming the phone against his ear. “What the fuck do you want, Alex?” he demanded.

Holly yanked free of his grasp, making it to the bedroom door when she heard his heavy sigh, followed by five words that tore her heart completely in two.

“Okay. I’ll be right there.”


“Where’s Uncle Chace?”

Just hearing his name was like a knife ripping into what was left of Holly’s shattered heart. But despite the searing pain ripping through her entire being, steely determination combined with a healthy dose of pride kept her from falling apart in front of Emme and Wren.

Holly slid a plate of scrambled eggs and sausage on the table. The food looked nothing like Chace ever fixed for breakfast. The eggs were runny, the sausage burnt. “He’s at work.”
