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“But it’s Saturday.”

“And he promised to take us ice skating at Morningstar Farm,” Wren added as a reminder.

Yes, Holly was well aware of Chace’s promises. Had tossed and turned most of the night because of his promises. “It’s still early.” She slathered butter on two crispy slices of toast. “I’m sure he’ll be back in plenty of time.”Please don’t make a liar out of me, Chace Dutton.

“But what if he’s not?” Arewestill going?” Emme asked as she dubiously surveyed the poor excuse for a breakfast Holly had served.

Holly forced a smile she didn’t feel. “Of course we will.”

Wasn’t this scenario exactly how she always feared their life might be if she and Chace had children? They’d make plans. He’d get called away. And she would be left to explain his absence, pick up the slack, and do her best to keep things as normal as possible, all while wondering if he’d make it back in time to join them.

Or at all.

Her insides clenched at the thought of never seeing Chace again. Of something horrible happening to him and never again being on the receiving end of his beautiful smile or irresistible grin. Of never being held in his strong arms, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Of never savoring the warmth of his touch or basking in the magnificent afterglow and spellbinding delirium of his tender yet passionate lovemaking.

But most of all, never feeling as vibrant and alive, cherished and loved as she did when she was with him.

Holly drew a deep breath to stem the tears suddenly blurring her vision. Why did loving someone have to be such a freaking struggle?

“Aren’t you going to eat your breakfast, Aunt Holly?”

Already viciously churning, her stomach strongly protested the mere thought of any food passing her lips. “I’m not that hungry right now.” Before either of the twins could ask any further questions, Holly’s ringtone sounded from across the kitchen.

Part of her wanted to ignore whoever was calling, but Holly suspected that would only elicit more questions from Emme and Wren. Reluctantly, she pushed herself away from the table and went in search of the device, hoping the voicemail would pick up before she found it.

No such luck. And when she looked at the screen to see who was calling, she wanted to hurl the device straight through the window over the sink.


The fricking bane of her existence.

Knowing he’d keep calling until she answered—or worse, show up in person—Holly accepted the call and snatched the phone to her ear. “What?”

“That’s exactly what I want to know.”

Holly pressed her thumb and forefinger to the bridge of her nose. “I am not in the mood for riddles this morning, Alex, so could you kindly just cut to the chase?”Pun not intended.

“I’d like nothing more. In fact, that’s why I’m calling.”

She glanced over her shoulder to check on the girls before easing into the laundry room, where they were less likely to overhear, particularly since Holly couldn’t guarantee keeping her side of the conversation G-rated. “Well, Chace isn’t here. And hasn’t been since your inopportune call last night.”

“I know.” He sounded weary.

Not that Holly gave a rat’s ass. “Then whatdo you want?”

“To find out why our best security and investigative specialist resigned last night.”

If Alex had reached through the phone and slapped her, Holly couldn’t have been more stunned by his response. “Chace resigned?”

“Yes. Directly after spending several hours helping us resolve an issue with his previous assignment. He asked if we needed anything else, and when I said no, he verbally gave his two weeks’ notice and walked out.”

Her conversation with Chace the night before played through her mind until she got to the part where she questioned his ability to refuse an assignment, even if the request came from her brother, who had an annoying knack for always getting what he wanted. “Did you ask him to take another case?”

“No. Why?”

Holly wasn’t getting into all that with Alex. For one, it was none of his business. And two, since he also thrived on living life on the edge, she doubted he’d be any more sympathetic to her plight than he’d been eight years ago. “Didn’t he give you any explanation as to why he was resigning?”

“No. But he’s been talking about making some changes for a while now.”
