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And tempted the hell out of fate in the process.

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Chace doubtedHolly made it down the stairs before her mind whirled with every reason under the sun why their current situation was a veritable disaster in the making.

Maybe it was.

Or had the possibility of becoming one at some point as they assumed their caretaker role for the twins. How he and Holly might be affected by this predicament was of little importance in the big scheme of things, because none of this was about them or their history.

No. It was about Sean, the injuries he’d sustained from the IED, and the effect his prognosis would have on him, Lyss, and the girls. For as long as Lyss remained in Germany, that’s precisely where Holly and his attention should be focused. Not on themselves but on Emme and Wren.

And if it came down to where he and Holly needed to split the twins’ care between them, that’s what they’d do. How hard could it be anyway? They were seven. Besides that, he’d led special teams on missions into war zones, dismantled terrorist regimes, and ensured the safety and protection of royals, dignitaries, and celebrities. Handling two precocious little girls should be a piece of cake.

Still, Chace realized how much easier looking after his nieces would be if he and Holly found a way to work together rather than separately. As long as she was willing, so was he. There was no reason they couldn’t do this.

Forcing his jet-lagged body out of the chair, he snatched his duffel from where he’d dropped it by the door and located the guest room. He unpacked, stuffing what he’d brought into two dresser drawers and one corner of the closet.

Grabbing his travel kit, he crossed the hall to the bathroom, splashed water on his face, and brushed his teeth. While rinsing, he noticed the toothbrush holder on the vanity. Grinning, he dropped his into one of the porcelain slots and left his toiletries scattered on the counter.

Despite Holly’s doubts, he wanted to ensure she received his message loud and clear—he wasn’t going anywhere. Thatthiswasn’t just a spot-check before he jetted off to his next assignment but that he fully intended to pull his weight by sharing in the care of his nieces.

Returning to the guestroom, Chace stripped down to his boxer briefs and slipped beneath the crisp white sheets. He didn’t know why he bothered, because he had zero expectations of getting much sleep. Not with everything running amok inside his head. And most definitely not with Holly under the same roof.

Despite Holly’s presence and whether he got any rest tonight or not, the twins would still get his best effort. They always did, even when Holly attended festivities for the twins when he visited. Of course, spending time in the same airspace as his ex for a few hours once or twice a year was vastly different from living under the same roof for an undetermined amount of time.

At least during those visits, when he was ready to crawl out of his skin because she was close enough to smell her vanilla scent, Chace could fabricate an excuse and flee. Now, that option was no longer available.

But that could prove to be a good thing, considering Chace had been doing some soul-searching for the past year. Re-evaluating certain aspects of his life. Like where he was at thirty-four years old. What he’d accomplished. Where he wanted to go. The decisions he’d made. Their outcomes.

And how his biggest regret was and probably always would be letting Holly McCade go without a fight.

Yeah, he’d been an idiot. Young and arrogant, with an over-inflated, testosterone-fueled ego, Chace believed he could save the world one mission at a time. And gratefully, with much of what he did while serving his country, the good far outweighed the bad. Until in the process, he’d lost the one person who mattered most.

Under similar circumstances, however, his sister hadn’t deserted her fiancé. No, Lyss not only married but had children with her soldier husband. Unlike Holly, she’d been willing to take the risk.

But when Sean was injured, Lyss didn’t shatter into a million pieces. The world didn’t come to an end. Instead, she rallied, securing the care of her daughters, and boarded a plane to be with her husband. To offer her love and support. To care for him in his time of need.

Though he understood why she felt she couldn’t, Chace wished Holly hadn’t been afraid to take the same chance with him that Lyss willingly took with Sean. Then again, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Ironically, though, here they were. Living under the same roof to care for his nieces,theirgoddaughters, for as long as necessary. If his outlook on relationships hadn’t become so cynical in the last eight years, Chace might even believe this was divine intervention giving them a second chance.

Itwasthe season of miracles, after all.


Holly awoke to the delectable aroma of brewed coffee and fried bacon. Rolling over, she pried one eye open and checked the time.Six forty-five. Apparently, Chace was still an early riser, even on a Saturday. Which was fine since it also meant he was making breakfast.

She’d missed that.

And him.

Dangerous thoughts, Holly reminded herself.

Or rather chastised.

At least, that’s what she should be doing.

Rolling onto her side, Holly pushed herself up and swung her legs to the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed for a few seconds before gathering her clothes for the day and heading for the shower.
