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I wait for her until she catches sight of me, and she smiles.

That smile does something to my insides, but I ignore it. She says something to her assistant and then takes off her gloves, walking to me.

“Hey,” she says.

"Hey." I can’t help my lips curling in response to her happiness. It makes me want to sing, too.

“Business looks like it's going good,” I comment.

"It is. Thanks to you." She beams at me and my heart clenches again.

“Nah. I would thank your cupcakes for that. I just helped it fall into the right people's hands."

She grins and blushes.

Anyway, I have some more good news," I tell her.


“Well, it seems like your email worked and the old man has agreed to meet with me.”

"Seriously?" she says clapping her hands in delight.


She stands on her toes and hugs me. I hold her closer for a few seconds, as the entire world vanishes. I forget the cupcake shop and the people standing in line, who would very well be watching us. I forget about Billy, and Liam, and my promise to him. I'm pretty sure I forget my own name too.

All I can think about is her and her warmth and how good she feels in my arms.

I don’t know which of us breaks apart first, but I know we're both reluctant to let go.

“I’m so happy for you," she says in a raspy voice, face flushed. “I guess we both have reason to celebrate.”

“We do. What do you say we do it tonight? Just go out for a few hours for dinner. I know a place that has amazing catfish.”

She opens her mouth, denial on her face but I stop her with a hand.

"Not a date I promise," I tell her ."Just two friends having dinner and catching up."

She chews her lips reluctantly and then shrugs. "Sure."

* * *

Mia glancesaround the sky bar and I enjoy her look of wonder. I love how her eyes sparkle at every new luxury I show her. She's like a kid in a new toy store, curious and disbelieving.

Truthfully, I’ve grown bored with luxury. I've had everything at the tip of my fingers for so long that nothing excites me anymore. But she excites me. I love her smile and seeing how polite she is with the waitresses, how much she loves great wine, and how she laughs when the waiters do a little dance for the table next to us.

"How sweet," she says. "It's their birthday."

I don't say anything, her face dazzling me. I wish it was her birthday, so I could do the same for her. I want to do more, to see more of those beautiful expressions.

Isn't that why you were showing off last time? With the private jet and the atelier? You wanted to see her like this.

I can't deny the truth. It's there in my mind and in my heart.

She’s not yours, a voice creeps into my mind, a cruel reminder.Don’t get used to her. She can’t be yours.

“Tell me about Billy.” I burst out suddenly. Mia's eyes widen and her forkful of lobster freezes on its way to her open mouth.
