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"When you came back to town and started asking questions about Chase's dad, I thought you were mocking me. I thought you knew but wanted to rub it in, so I responded sarcastically about Chase being Billy's son. It wasn't until much later, recently, that I figured out that you didn't know, and that I probably wasn't even texting with you."

"At the time, I had a lot of girls claiming I got them pregnant," I tell her, a little embarrassed to admit. "It was like an internet trend or something. I wasn't exactly discriminatory with my behavior at first, and even with groupies..." I shake my head. "Anyway, the first few times it happened, we took it seriously. Investigated, then found out it was all bullshit to get my attention. After the first few times it happened, Brody, my manager, I guess he started brushing it off. Boy cries wolf, and all."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"But I swear," she looks up and I hope she sees the intensity in my gaze as I say, "If I had known, I would’ve come back. I would’ve taken care of you."

She hesitates, then nods slowly with a deep-in-thought expression. "And now?"

"Now?" I repeat, grinning slowly at her. "Now, you're mine."



“I cannot believewe’re doing this.”

Chase seems about to burst out of his skin with excitement. His blue eyes glitter over everything in the plane, and his neck spins like he’s trying to take it all in at once. “We’re on a private jet, Mom!”

“I noticed bud," laughing at his reaction. Mikey, who’s sitting next to me, seems a lot more chill about the whole thing so I figure this isn’t a new experience for him. He’s currently on his iPad, scrolling through YouTube videos while Chase, opposite me, wiggles around, excitedly.

I proposed the seating arrangement, today. Chase is sitting next to Luke, who seems amused. But Luke also stares at him with a hungry look in his eyes, like he’s trying to absorb everything about his son. He looks a little too obvious about his fascination, but I don't have the heart to tell him. He loves his son, even though Chase has no clue about it.

We still haven’t told Chase that Luke is his dad. Luke insists they need to spend more time together first, so Chase gets used to him and doesn’t completely reject him when he finds out. I don't think Chase will reject his father either way. He idolizes Luke already.

But time and a family trip to Disney Land won't hurt.

“Hey, Mr. Luke, Mikey.” The stewardess from before appears with a notepad and shoots me a pleasant smile. “Nice to see you again. And who is this gentleman?”

“This is Chase,” Luke replies, before I can. “You’ll be seeing a lot more of him.”

“Hiya,” Chase says, with a friendly wave.

“Hi yourself.” The woman beams. “Now tell me, what can I get for everyone? We have the finest wines and juice boxes, stocked per your order.”

“Mikey will take the usual. Chase, what would you like?”

“Hmm, may I have a Coke, please?”

Luke shoots me an impressed look. Yes, I know, I’ve taught my son well.

“And the two of us will share the wine from last time,” he turns back to the stewardess.

I raise an eyebrow and Luke winks before turning back to her again. “This time maybe she’ll take more than a sip.”

"Very good sir. I'll get right on that."

"Thank you, Monica."

Monica blushes a little and retreats.

I shake my head at Luke, as the efficient clicking of her heels gets farther away. "You're hopeless."

"And I never said otherwise," he sings, smiling.

“Ok, this is amazing,” Chase says, as the airplane vibrates a little, in preparation for lift-off.

“Wait till we’re in Disney Land,” Luke says. “It’s ten-times cooler.”

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