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Chase nods. “I’m glad I didn’t make you make us go home, now.”

Luke and I share a look. After the night we made peace, Chase still insisted on going home. However, the night before, Luke asked me to stay a little longer. It was one of the few times he requested something from me, rather than just ordering me around. I couldn't say no, especially since I knew he wanted to take the opportunity to get to know his son. We still haven't discussed custody arrangements, or anything like that, but I do want Luke and Chase to get closer to each other.

Of course, it was difficult at first, with Chase still being mad at Luke. For the first few days, Chase gave his dad the silent treatment. He was cooly polite, but turned down any offer to practice hockey. I hated myself for causing the rift between them but Luke told me not to worry.

"I know just the thing to make it right," he said.

Chase has never been to Disney Land and Luke brought up the trip as a bribe. I had to hand it to him, it worked spectacularly, the curiosity overcoming Chase's sulking. And now, he was completely at ease around Luke again.

I suppose, seeing Luke and I get along didn’t hurt either.

Mikey nudges my arm a little, to get my attention, and I glance at him. He points down to a video on his iPad, where a woman is making honey-glazed donuts.

I nod at his silent question, “Yes, we can make those when we get home.”

He grins and then turns back to his iPad.

As we take off, Chase excitedly points out the glittering lights, and the fact that there’s even a shower in the airplane. It’s his first time flying anywhere, so I understand his enthusiasm, despite the early morning. I love seeing my son so happy. Luke watches him with that same fond look in his eyes, while Mikey keeps studying more and more recipes.I made sure to take some anti-nausea and anti-anxiety medication this time, since I can’t expect the same kind of distraction Luke gave me the first time.

When we finally land, five hours later, the same limo from before, picks us up, and Chase is even more ecstatic.

But it’s nothing compared to when we arrive at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

“Oh. My. God!” His eyes are saucers as he takes in the sprawling crowds, the large rides, the people dressed up as cartoon characters. “It’s even better than I thought!”

“Yeah, it's pretty neat,” Luke says, smiling. “And we have unlimited fast passes, so you can go on as many rides as you want. Any ride you don’t go on, we can go next week.”

“We can come back?” Chase’s head swings to Luke in disbelief.

“As many times as you want.”

I shake my head. “Within reason.” I understand Luke wants to make up for lost time, but I don’t want him spoiling our son too much.

Luke gives me a knowing look. “Within reason.”

“Thanks Luke!” Chase explains. “You’re the best!”

“I try,” he comments, and then Chase turns to Mikey.

“What’s your favorite Mikey? We can go on that one first.”

Mikey shakes his head, adjusting his ear plugs for loud spaces. We expected that the rides would be too much for him but there’s so much else to do and see, it won’t matter.

“Alright. Then I’ll just go and you can watch. I want to go on Tower of Terror, first! I love that one. But let’s get ice-cream from over there, first.”

Mikey nods and follows Chase. Chase makes sure to walk around the crowd, along the edge of the walkway. I think he knows that Mikey’s following him, and knows that Mikey won’t like getting tangled in the people. He occasionally looks back to check on Mikey, never babying him, just keeping an eye. Gosh, I love my son so much. He’s so mature and perceptive. How did I get so lucky?

Luke and I follow them at a slower pace, watching them as we walk.

“This your first time?” he asks, and I shake my head.

“No. I came a few times with my family, but it was never really my thing. You?”

“Nah,” he shrugs. “My dad asked me to go once but I turned him down.”


He shrugs, and a cynical look enters his eyes. “It was right after my mom divorced him. I guess he was trying to get me over to his side, and I wanted to make it clear that I was firmly on my mom’s side.”
