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"I wish it was," Billy replies.

"Women's perfume," I suddenly mutter, as a memory hits me. When I entered my apartment the first time the note was dropped, I thought I smelled women's perfume, but I didn’t think much of it. "I thought it was Mona, but it smelled like–"

"Lilac," Billy completes. "That's Tea's signature scent. And the only reason you smelled it is because she wanted you to know she was there."

My heart grows cold. "So, a crazy, murderous, mercenary is after me and you didn't think to report it to the police?"

"I didn’t know she was after you until she told me," he says. "She wanted to torment you first. To spook you. And then she wanted to get my attention."

"Oh, God." I turn and face the woods, dashing in, oblivious to Luke's shouts. "Chase! Chase baby, where are you?" Even I can hear the desperation and fear shattering through my voice. "Chase!"

"Jeez Mom, I’m right here." I spin around to see my son emerging from the corner of the bushes. He looks put out at having been caught, but I don't care. I don't think about anything else, don't care about anything else. I simply run to him and wrap him in my arms, holding him tight

"Oh my God." My voice is still shaking. "Don’t you ever disappear like that again."

"I don’t know why you’re freaking out. I’m the one who should be mad at you." His body’s stiff in my arms and he doesn’t hug me back. I deserve it.

I lean back, composing myself enough to say, "I know we have a lot to talk about and I owe you an explanation. But for now, please just…I need to know you’re ok.”

I touch his face, running my hand over his skin so I can make sure everything is intact. With the biggest sense of relief, I finally know that he's ok.

Chase glances away, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Yeah. I guess I’m fine."

But he doesn’t say anything else.

I deserve that too.

"We should go home," I say, rain quickly starting to fall. I know there’s a conversation waiting for me when we get there, but I'm ready for it. I rise and Luke nods. Mikey's eyes are wide, and his arms are tight around his dad's neck.

God. We just had a conversation about murdering mercenaries in front of an eight-year-old.

But I'll comfort Mikey later. When we're all indoors and away from danger.

I notice Chase doesn’t look at Luke as we walk to the car and Luke seems to be giving him his space. We'll resolve that later, too. Right now, my thoughts are swimming with what Billy just told me. I just want to keep my family safe.

Chase is quiet during the stormy car ride. I watch him in the backseat, through the passenger side mirror, shooting glares out of the corner of his eyes every few seconds, brows furrowed.

When we get home, he already has his buckle off before I’m even fully in the garage. He heads right up to his room. I follow him, letting Luke get Mikey situated.

The minute I enter Chase's room, he gets right to it. "Is Luke really my dad?"

I nod, leaning against the dresser. "Yes."

"Why didn’t you just tell me?" Anger and hurt mix in his voice. I have no defense.

"I'm sorry." I don't avert my eyes, bearing his rage as openly as I can. "When I had you, Luke and I weren’t together. I tried to tell him, but he was in Canada, playing hockey, and his manager kept responding for him, telling me he didn’t want kids. I thought he was doing that because Luke asked him to, and so I never bothered to tell him when he moved back to town. I lied to Liam, and everyone, too."

I walk to him, kneeling in front of him. "I'm so sorry, baby."

His anger is still there, but it's receding. Chase can never stay mad for long.

"I probably should have just told you who your real dad was, but Luke thought maybe you needed time before he told you the truth."

"Why?" he snarls. "Doesn't he want to be my dad?"

The hurt in his voice breaks my heart.

"Of course, he does sweetie." I caress his cheeks, counting a little victory when he doesn't move away. "He wants you more than anything. I think he's scared you won't want to be his son."
