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He looks surprised and then nods tentatively. "Sure.”

I go on one knee and wrap my hands around him, drawing him into me. His body is stiff and awkward in the hug, but one hand goes to pat my back the same way that I’ve seen him do with Mia before. And it warms my heart that he’s trying.

I lean back and look at him. “You scared the hell out of me today, you know that?”

He shrugs. “I didn’t mean to. I just...I didn’t know what to do. You know, about the fact that I just found out you were my dad.”

“Yeah. I'm sorry I didn’t tell you, but I thought I needed to give you time to get used to me, before I told you the truth."

Chase doesn't seem to know what to say about that, so he shrugs.

"How do you feel about the fact that I'm your dad?" I wait with bated breath.

Another shoulder shrug. “I dunno. How doyoufeel about it?”

“Honestly? Great!”

His eyes scan the room before coming back to mine. "Really?"

"Really. I mean, I already thought you were a pretty cool kid, from the beginning. Looking back, there were tons of hints that you were my son. We’re just so similar in a lot of things."

"Like hockey," he offers a small smile.

"Yeah. Hockey and other things. And even though I didn’t know you were my son, I thought you were amazing and thought you would make a great brother for Mikey." I’ve already witnessed how protective Chase is of Mikey and it makes my heart crack wide open.

“Yeah,” Chase smiles and ducks his head, flushed after all the compliments. I wonder if he feels the same awkwardness I do, with compliments. “I guess this means Mikey and I are brothers now."

“Yeah. I guess so." I grin at my son, picking a stray curl that falls over his forehead. "You think he’s put two and two together yet? Figured out you're his brother?"

Chase smiles a little. “I dunno, maybe. Can I go tell him?”

Mikey’s one of the most intuitive kids I've ever met. But I do think this whole thing may be confusing him more than he's let on. “Of course! I think he’ll love to have you as his brother. But the situation might be a little confusing and he might have some questions.”

“Oh. Maybe we could go talk to him together.” Chase suggested. "And see how he takes the news."

I ruffle his hair. “How on earth did I get two amazing kids all at once? I swear, I lucked out.”

Chase gives me a cheeky smile in response. "You're not so bad yourself. You know, at the dad thing." He shuffles from foot to foot. "And yeah, I guess I don't mind you being my dad."

I smirk, clearly seeing his discomfort with showing his emotions. I want to hug him again but restrain myself, not wanting to overwhelm him.

"Alright," I say, cutting him some slack. "Now that that's settled. Let’s go talk to Mikey.

We head to Mikey’s room. He's not asleep. As expected, he's tucked in and watching a video on his iPad.

Chase stands beside Mikey and I stay a few feet back, in the doorway, giving them space. He waves in front of Mikey, signaling that he has something to say. Mikey takes his headphones off.

“Hey Mikey. Can I tell you something? I have some news for you.”

Mikey pauses his iPad and looks in Chase’s direction.

“We’re brothers now." Chase says matter-of-factly, with the mannerisms of a drill sergeant. “Luke is my dad, too, so that means we’re step-brothers. Is that ok?”

Mikey nods and then smiles brightly. “Got it, Brother. Yes, it’s ok.”

“Great. And I’m older, so that means I’ll always look out for you, even if we get in a fight.”

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard and chokes me up a little. Watching the two interact, grinning at each other like they already have their own secrets... it’s such a sweet moment. I know Mia would probably be bawling her eyes out if she were here to see it."
