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Cocks-blocking sons of unchaste Nibiruan females, that’s who.

“The space police.”



So much for getting her first proper orgasm in years.

One second Emilia was on the verge of coming from Dar’s expert kissing and some teen-worthy dry humping alone. The next, she was being hurried towards the back of the room. All the while Dar was cursing under his breath, using words her translator was struggling to substitute or explain. Cubbie was squeaking in distress as he rolled around their feet. And those chimes from earlier continued to sound from Dar’s belt.

“Dar, what’s going on?” Emilia repeated for who knew which time when he stopped in front of a wall.

“Nibiruan police will search the ship. Hurry!”

“Nibiruan… Like, from Nibiru?” The dwarf planet beyond Pluto that ancient astronaut theorists believed not only existed but was also the home world of aliens who had visited Earth in Ancient times?

Dar pulled her through the door he had just opened into what the artificial light on the walls revealed was a bedroom. At least, she thought it was a bedroom, if the cushion-filled rectangular hole in the floor was any indication. While he was digging through the large orange cushions with the frenzy of a dog who had found a buried bone, Emilia quickly took in his man cave.

Apart from the California-King-size sunken bed, the rounded pet bed levitating next to it, and Dar’s red vest discarded nearby, the room was empty. No wardrobe, nightstand, shelves with knick knacks from around the galaxy – nada. On the other hand, what he called the food bay had seemed empty at first, too, so maybe there was hidden stuff in the floor here as well.

In confirmation, a small dark hole opened in the now cushion-free center of the bed. There had been neither a handle nor outlines of a trap door to indicate there was space under the floor. It was Dar’s touch that had made a circular metal piece slide aside.

“Come on!” He waved her over with both a hand and a tail, and Cubbie nudged her ankle with his fluffy head.

Emilia went down the two steps leading to the bed and peeked into the hidey-hole. “Dar, I don’t think I’ll fit–”

“There’s no other option, Lia, please! They can’t find you on board!”

He literally picked her up by the waist, as though she waited nothing, and lowered her down into the claustrophobic space. Her feet touched the floor when the edge of the opening was level with her thighs.

This is insane.

“Dar, you’re a police officer, why are you afraid of the police? Can’t you explain I’m your partner on a case?”

He answered while pushing her shoulders down to make her fit inside. “Officially, Terra is off limits to galactic travelers, no exceptions.”

“But the regular UFO sightings–”

“Please, pumpkin, if the Nibiruans find you on board…”

She resisted when he tried to push her head down. “What’s going to happen?”

Curled into a ball in the hidey-hole and looking up at him, she saw the fear in his otherworldly eyes. She also heard it in his voice when he replied, “They’ll take you back to Terra.”

Oh-kay… She had expected something bad or even sinister, but not the one thing she wanted the most. Except that… “What will they do to you?”

Dar sighed. “Years of imprisonment.” His tuft brushed against her cheek, making her lean into its gentle caress. “Keep quiet now, my pumpkin. Please. I’ll get you out as soon as possible.”

Emilia let a shuddering breath out and nodded. She lowered her head until her forehead rested on her bent knees. Then she heard the whoosh of the trap door closing over her. Complete darkness swallowed her.

Five minutes later, the arousal and confusion that had dominated her being, keeping her somewhat calm while Dar had been frantic, were replaced by fear. What if she ran out of oxygen down here? What if the police inspection took so long that her body rebelled against being curled into a pretzel? What if something happened to Dar and he never came to get her out? What if she got discovered and taken back to Earth, never to see him again?

Strangely enough, the last possibility was the one that scared Emilia the most. She still wanted to go home –duh– but she also wanted to explore this off-the-charts chemistry between her and Dar. She had tried to rationalize it with her overly long celibacy at the pub. Had attempted to ignore it during their home-made –ship-made?– dinner. Had naively thought she could fight its effect by rambling on during the video-making.

But once his soft lips had touched hers, Emilia had realized the inexplicable pull between them could not be denied. Passion had consumed them both in seconds, and if they hadn’t been interrupted by the freaking space police, she’d have gone all the way with Dar. No doubt about it. Perhaps that was another sigh of her losing her sanity in space, but maybe it was something else. Something special. And she wanted to see it play out.

Of course, she and Dar first needed to make it through this inspection. And she had thought that crashing a criminals’ gala was going to be their only problem…Silly me.
