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With Sab’s pulser aimed at him, Dargus could do nothing but watch as patrol leader Fab and his identical triplet Hab worked on overriding the biolock on Cubbie’s hibernation chamber.

Dargus could get the pulser out of Sab’s hand, particularly now that the Nibiruan’s pink eyes were trained on his brothers’ work. However, what would happen next? Dargus would have to neutralize all three officers and once the patrol didn’t report back, he would have Nibiru’s entire space police force on his tail. The end result would be an even longer prison sentence than the one he faced now.

Plus, he had Lia to think of. As much as he would enjoy getting back at his condescending colleagues for stunning Cubbie and destroying the most luxurious cushions he had ever purchased, his precious female might get hurt in the process. Dargus would rather rot in a cell for life than see her caught in the crossfire of his mistakes.

Should have thought of that before bringing her into this mess, you dimwit.

“Got it, guys,” Fab announced. He shot a smug look at Dargus.


“Let’s see what you’re hid–”

A messy-haired Lia popped out of her hiding place. She had a huge smile on her face and… no t-shirt on?

“Surprise!” she beamed, arms up in the air, trusting her full teats forward. A piece of black fabric was all that hid the soft, bouncy globes from full view. “What took you so long, my love, I’ve waited for–” She screeched like a bongee, waking the Nibiruans and himself from their stupor.

The officers quickly covered their sensitive pointed ears with their hands and a pulser, in Sab’s case.

“Who the heck are you three?!” the half-naked female Dargus couldn’t tear his gaze from, demanded to know. “Dar, my love, what are these males doing in our bedroom?”

“Um…”What in the name of the Three is Lia doing?

“I thought we were clear on not letting additional people into our bed!” she protested, covering her teats-holder with the t-shirt in her hand. “I hide in the stinky pet’s chamber to surprise you, and you repay me by secretly bringing strangers to our temple of love?” Lia huffed, chin raised high. She was looking at the Nibiruans as though they were beneath her, when in fact they towered over her slender form.

Ah. So, that was what Lia was going with.Clever female. But acting like she belonged here and the officers didn’t, while also giving them an eyeful, wasn’t going to get them to leave. Not by itself, at least.

“Forgive me, my mate,” Dargus spoke up before Fab could say whatever he had just opened his mouth for. “I had no idea you were down there, preparing such a glorious surprise. Now I know why you didn’t come to me once the police announced their arrival. You must have not heard a thing in the pet’s soundproof chamber.”

“Indeed.” Lia nodded, lowering her chin a fraction now that she had ‘discovered’ these males were officers of the law. “I might not have thought my plan through before I snuck down there, but I was sure you’d soon come find me. Especially since we haven’t… uh… been intimate in more than an iona?” She cast Hab beside her a looka la‘you know how it is, don’t you’.

The Nibiruan grinned at her, displaying all his flat teeth amid his bushy pink beard.

Dargus had the sudden urge to punch Hab in the pale-blue face.

“So, you fine males are police officers?” Lia quickly said next, before Fab could finish opening his mouth. “I love the police!” She coupled that statement with a look in Sab’s way.

The big oaf’s answering grin split his face in half.

Dargus wondered if Sab would still be grinning once he got his teeth knocked out.

“You keep us all safe,” Lia kept going, “for which I thank you.” The last bit was directed at Fab. “After all, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the police.” She looked Dargus’ way.

It was his turn to spin the tale, her look meant. Smart of her to leave this part to Dargus, because she had no idea how things worked in this galaxy.

Dargus nodded. “That’s right. Lia was about to be sold into slavery when I uncovered the criminal ring behind her abduction. They’re still at large, but at least I dealt them a heavy blow by getting her out of their hands.”

“My savior,” she cooed and stepped out of the hibernation chamber. Before she could get to Dargus, however, Fab’s hand dug into her forearm, stopping her in place.

Dargus growled, the sound leaving his lips beyond his control.

“You’re hurting me, officer! Why would you–”

“You stay here, female, and keep quiet.”
