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Another growl rose in Dargus’ chest. “Unhand. Her.”

“I will. Once you answer my questions, Luvian.”

Fruck. They might have fooled Hab and Sab, but the patrol leader apparently knew how to use his wreath-decorated head.

“Why didn’t you tell us you had someone aboard with you?”

“You never asked.”

Fab clenched his flat teeth at the truth. “If you’ve truly saved this Terran, why are you leaving her planet’s system instead of heading towards Terra? You know any individuals from her backwater world are to be returned there if found in space. Right after the abduction case has been reported and the trip to Terra, authorized.” A nasty smile split his dark-pink lips before he added, “I bet that if I checked the database of reported abductees, she won’t be on it.”

Dargus stayed quiet. It was clear that wasn’t really a question.

“It’s my fault,” Lia stated, drawing everyone’s attention. “Dar wanted to return me home, but I begged him not to. I asked him to let me see some stars. He couldn’t say no to my pleas.” She cast another you-understand-me look at Hab.

Hab nodded. “Females have their ways to bring every male to his knees. Fab, you know that.”

“Uh-huh, it’s true,” Sab tuned in. “Every male worth his beard knows that, Fab.”

“See? Dar is innocent, officers. He hasn’t broken any laws, he simply… postponed his report on my abduction and my return home until after this romantic space getaway of a week or so. WhichIforced him into.”

And Lia had thought herself a bad actress? Her pleading, innocent gaze could win anyone over. Perhaps even the stuck-up Fab.

“There is no excuse for the Luvian’s behavior.”

Or not.

“Breaking the law is breaking the law,” Fab went on. “The reason behind it does not change that fact. Hab, go cuff the Luvian.”

Dargus sighed.Well, at least we tried.

“No! Please!”

Lia’s desperate cry cut straight through Dargus’ heart. That inexplicable warmth in the center of his chest returned with a vengeance, turning into an all-consuming fire at the sight of her struggling against Fab’s hold.

“Stay put, female! You will be returned to Terra once we lock the Luvian in our brig.”

“No, I won’t let you imprison him. Let me go!”

Dargus growled in reaction to the rough hold Fab had on Lia.Fruck the consequences. No one hurts my pumpkin and gets away with it!

Just as Dargus’ control was about to snap, Sab asked, “Hey, didn’t the Luvian say she was his mate?”

“That’s right.” Hab stilled, leaving the magnetic cuffs around Dargus’ forearms unlocked. “The freelancer called the beauty his mate.”

Three sets of pink eyes and one set of tear-filled brown eyes focused on Dargus.

He had only sechionas to make a decision.

Before, he had used the term ‘mate’ automatically, responding to Lia’s ‘my love’. Now… Now that word had the power to save them. For that was the only exception to the rule about returning abductees to their underdeveloped home planets.

However, the same word could also dig his grave deeper. For lying about the sacred bond was considered a crime in any civilized world.

“It is true. Lia is my mate. Mytruemate."

There. He had said it. If there was even a slight chance of staying with Lia, he had to take it, additional yearionas in prison be damned.

“Wow, fruck me.”
