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“Hehehe, you lucky son of an unchaste Luvian female! Congrats!”

“Shut the fruck up, you imbeciles,” Fab shouted. “If they’re true mates, why didn’t they say so from the very beginning? Have you considered that?”

Hab and Sab frowned, which made their extra-wide foreheads wrinkle under the purple flowers in their wreaths.

“Because Lia doesn’t know we’re true mates yet,” Dargus lied again.May the Three forgive me for disrespecting the sacred bond.“She doesn’t know about true mating, and I was waiting for the right moment to explain it to her.”


“Yeah, wow is right.”

“I told you two to zip it!” Fab was so dark-blue in the face that he might as well be getting a hearts attack any second. “You still think we’re dumb, don’t you, Luvian? How about you show us your mating marks, hmm?”

Dargus closed his eyes for a moment and let a long breath out.Prison it is, then. Strangely enough, that thought didn’t scare him. At least, not as much as the thought of never seeing Lia again did.My pumpkin…

He opened his eyes. His gaze found hers immediately, as though drawn to her with the magnetic force of the cuffs Hab was yet to lock.

“Dar…” Lia whispered. Tears were rolling down over the lovely orange dots on her cheeks.

Fab made his holowatch project a text in the air. “It says here Luvians get the mating marks on their chests. The marks form outward from where the male’s single heart is located. A single heart positioned right over the stomach? Ha, no wonder you Luvians are such weaklings!”

“Just get this over with, you pure excuse for an enforcer,” Dargus ground out, his tail slashing through the air.

Every additional sechiona that this space circus dragged on made Lia cry more. Dargus would not stand idle while her tears were dripping on the floor. He would go hug her and pet her, even if he got a shot in the back for moving.

“Hab, get the Luvian’s t-shirt off.”

What? Is this frucker serious?Fab, the twisted Nibiruan, wanted not only to arrest Dargus but also to humiliate him, apparently.

“Sab, keep the pulser trained on the Luvian’s head.”

Dargus couldn’t but let his t-shirt be lifted up to his collarbone, unless he wanted Lia to see his main brain blown to bits. He looked up at the stars on the other side of the transparent ceiling, tusks digging into his upper lip.

It was still frucking hard to stay immobile while the three males were staring at his nipples. At what Luvian culture dictated only a female was allowed to look at and touch, until the male had had his first official relationship. And Dargus had certainly never had a female to call his mate.

Strangely, Fab did not rejoice at his victory. In fact, none of the males reacted in any way, unless their dropped jaws counted.

Lia gasped, her eyes widening to the point where they were nearly as large as a Luvian’s.

What’s going on?Dargus'nipples were not fuzzy like Bargus’, so why–

His ship of thought crashed the moment he looked down at his still exposed chest.

There, reaching upward from the center of his chest was the sign of the Three themselves.

His mating marks.



Emilia’s eyes were teary, but even with her vision blurred she saw clearly that Dar was ripped. Stacked. Broad-chested, with tight pecs, mouth-watering abs, and a tapered waist, he had the physique of a god. An alien god with gorgeous orange stripes extending from the center of his chest upward and from his obliques downward. Like arrows pointing at the goods hidden below his waistline. The only thing missing was a sign, ‘This way to trouble, ladies.’

Damn.She had felt his rippling muscles against her when she had thrown herself at him earlier. Still, seeing what lay under his t-shirt brought things to a whole new panties-melting level. If the moment wasn’t totally inappropriate, she’d have exclaimed, ‘Hubba hubba.’

But the moment isn’t appropriate, is it, Emi? Get your mind out of the gutter, for pity’s sake! Your man is getting arrested!

Only that Hab was putting away the futuristic cuffs, Sab was tucking the pulser into the belt of his purple midi dress, and the asshole still holding her forearm in a bruising grip had lost the evil grin. Fab’s human-on-steroids-like body was shaking with barely repressed anger.
