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He cupped the back of her head to have full control over the kiss. He twined their tongues in ways that made her ache to be filled. His other hand gave her ass a possessive squeeze and also brought her in full contact with the impressive bulge he was packing. The tuft of his tail slid under the hem of her t-shirt, brushing against her skin that was already burning with desire.

I’m going to die if he doesn’t slide inside me right now.

“Dar, I need you…”

“You have me, pumpkin…”

She was so turned-on that the ridiculous nickname couldn’t extinguish the fire he had set inside her. Besides, she was starting to like that nickname. Especially when he said it in a voice husky from barely restrained lust.

Something else Emilia liked was seeing him shirtless, so she grabbed the hem of his t-shirt.The pants are next – if I figure out how the sci-fi belt comes off.

Turned out she needn’t have worried about the next step in her get-Dar-naked-NOW plan. Because the second she began lifting his t-shirt, he stiffened in her arms. It was as though someone had poured a bucket of cold water on him.


He rested his cheek against hers, breathing heavily. His tail slipped out from under her t-shirt to wrap around her wrist. And tugged her hand away from his clothing.

“I’m sorry, Lia, I…” He sighed, the puff of his warm breath tickling her neck. “I can’t. This is not right.”

“Why?” This – the two of them together, touching, kissing, about to have some amazing alien sex – felt as right as nothing else in her entire life. “I want this, Dar. Iwantyou to ravish me.”

His body shuddered against hers, as though the very idea was enough to undo him. And yet he stepped away from her.

“You don’t know about the sacred bond, Lia. It’s not right to claim you when you don’t know–”

“Then tell me what I need to know, so that we can continue with the good stuff–”

Dar was all but running for the exit before she could finish her thought.

“Sorry, I can’t. Need to think,” he called, not daring to even look back at her. “Get some sleep,” she heard from the other side of the door a moment before it closed.

Leaving Emilia freaking horny, damn perplexed, and somewhat peeved. The ideal combination for getting a good night’s sleep in a room without a functioning bed…Not.




The sound of Dargus’ forehead hitting the navigation console was the same hollowed one as before. No surprises there, since the console was made of Lighubian metal and his head was as empty as before. No main brain whatsoever.

You’re such an idiot.

“I know!” he yelled at his inner voice, which wasn’t helpful at all. “I know.”


Stop this before you damage your skull, you moron. That’s not going to fix anything.

“I have a thick head, I’ll live.”


“Plus, if I crack my skull open,” he told the empty bridge, “I’ll save Lia from the shame of having the most cowardly male in the galaxy as her true mate.”

Yes, she’d be so much better on her own… stuck in hyperspace on a ship she doesn’t know how to fly! Brilliant logic there, Dargus.

“Argh! Fine, I’ll stop.”
